Debra J. Mathews, PhD

- Assistant Director for Science Programs, Berman Institute of Bioethics
- Professor of Genetic Medicine
Project Title: Management of Agitation for Complex Neurobehavioral Syndromes in the General Hospital Setting
Project Title: Development and Implementation of a Core Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Curriculum for Resident Trainees at Johns Hopkins
Project Title: The Use of Intraoperative Surgical Video and Mentored Video Coaching for Improving Resident Surgical Training
Project Title: Development and Implementation of a Longitudinal Community Engagement Curriculum to Enhance Residents’ Capacity to Address the Social Determinants of Health
Project Title: Simulation-based Curriculum to Improve Dizziness Diagnosis Using Real World Patient Cases
Project Title: Evaluation of a Web-based Tool for Patient-based Guidelines and Decision Support: An Innovation in Longitudinal Medical Education
Project Title: Improving Bedside Cardiopulmonary Physical Exam Skills (ICE)
Project Title: Learner-centric Education Based on Student Performance
Project Title: Improving Resident Teaching Evaluations with a Smartphone App: Moving from the “End of the Rotation” to the “End of Morning Rounds”
Project Title: Improving Medical Students' Practice of High Value Care
Project Title: Educational Efficacy of a Required Clerkship in Critical Care Medicine
Hopkins Faculty
Project Title: Interprofessional Learning in Child Health: Developing, Implementing and Evaluating an Innovative Curriculum for Medical and Nursing Students at Johns Hopkins University
Michael A. Barone, M.D., M.P.H.
Project Title: Development of a Geriatric Psychiatry Curriculum for Medical Students in the Clinical Years
Project Title: Virtual Experiential Operative Learning to Transform (VEOLT) Surgical Training
Project Title: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Culturally Competent Curriculum to Address Vaccine Hesitancy
Pandemic Year - no grant given
Project Title: Using Electroencephalography to Measure Neurocognitive Engagement During Podcast Learning
Serkan Toy, Ph.D.
Project Title: Ethics and Policy in Synthetic Biology: The Development and Testing of a Massive Open Online Course
Project Title: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Novel Simulation Curriculum to Target Early Childhood Mortality Rates in Myanmar and Uganda: A Train-the-Trainer Model Utilizing Medical Students as Peer Educators
Regular Call
Project: Resident Financial Education: A Worthwhile Investment
Project: Leveling the playing field-the impact of robotic technology on surgeon hand dominance
Specialized Call - Partnership with JHUSOM Office of CME
Project: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary CME Activities Augmented with Digital Resources to Enrich the Educational Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Project: Best Practices for Disability-Conscious Healthcare Curriculum
Regular Calls
Project: Computer-Based Program to Teach Pulmonary Gas Exchange Principles
Project: Expanding Transfusion Medicine Education Through the Use of Technology
Specialized Call - Partnership with the JHUSOM Office of CME
Project: Faculty development at scale: Learning through Must Reads for educators
Project: Training Interprofessional Teams for Pediatric Emergencies in a Community Hospital
Project: Mastery of Hysterectomy: Development of Surgical Skills Outside of the Operating Room for Gynecology and Obstetrics House Staff
Project: Building Clinician-Parent Partnerships to Improve Care for Latinx Chronically Critically Ill Children
Renee Denise Boss, M.D., M.H.S.
Project: The Development and Implementation of an Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation in Echocardiography for Cardiovascular Fellows
Project: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Curriculum (Fostering Transdisciplinary Training and Education in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Project: Critical Care Simulations Curriculum: ASPIRE Augmenting Skills & Purpose In Rapid Emergencies
Project: A National Assessment of Recruitment of Underrepresented in Medicine Physicians Within Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Programs
Project: Using Narrative Medicine and Reflective Writing to Address Bias and Social Competence of Surgical Residents
Project: Implementation and Evaluation of the Racism, Medicine, and Our Community (RMOC) Resident Noon Conference Series
Tania Maria Caballero, M.D., M.H.S.
Marquita Cecelia Genies, M.D., M.P.H.
Project: Partnering with African American and Latinx community members in designing culturally sensitive goals of care communication training
Project: Deploying a National Resource for Telemedicine Clinical Skills Training and Coaching
Judy Greengold, M.S.N., C.R.N.P., F.N.P.-C.
Regular Call
Project: Management of Agitation for Complex Neurobehavioral Syndromes in the General Hospital Setting
Project: Assessing Psychological Safety of Residents in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Specialized Call - Partnership with the JHUSOM Office of CME
Project: The Role of the Art Museum in Continuing Medical Education
Kamna Singh Balhara, M.D., M.A.
Project: Management of Agitation for Complex Neurobehavioral Syndromes in the General Hospital Setting
Regular Calls
Project: Development of an Online Toxicology Curriculum for Medical Providers, Residents, and Students: ToxED
Project: The role of trainee video review in learning and mastering technical surgical skills
Jacqueline Garonzik-Wang, MD, PhD
Project: An intervention to promote civility among resident consultants in the emergency department
Fasika A. Woreta, MD, MD, MPH
Project: Using a Virtual Interactive Pathology (VIP) Hematopathology Smartphone App to Improve Pathology Resident Diagnostic and Exam Performance Skills
Specialized Call - Partnership with the JHUSOM Office of CME
Project: Bringing Geriatrics to the Patient: Development and Implementation of a Quality Improvement Project in Clinical Practice following a Geriatrics CME Course
Project: High value care in cancer surveillance and screening: evaluating an e-curriculum for primary care providers
Regular Calls
Project: Assessing the utility and efficacy of a smartphone app for enhancing Pathology Residents' diagnostic skills
Pathology Web Design Team, JH TIC
Alisha Ware, M.D.
Michael Joseph Borowitz, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Division of Hematologic Pathology
Co-Director, Genes to Society
Deputy Director, Education, Department of Pathology
Executive Deputy Director, Department of Pathology
Professor of Pathology
Professor of Oncology
Co-Director of the Educational Advisory Committee, Johns Hopkins Department of Pathology
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Project: The Role of Trainee Video Review in Learning and Mastering Technical Surgical Skills in Transplant Surgery
Project: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Passport: Comprehensive Goal-based Learning
Maher Abulfaraj, M.B.B.S.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Jessica Haran Katznelson, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program
Director of Education, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Project: An Intervention to Promote Civility Among Resident Consultants in the Emergency Department
Daniel Buccino, L.C.S.W-C., B.C.D.
Vice Chair of Education, Department of Emergency Medicine
Program Director, Emergency Medicine Residency
Program Director, Emergency Medicine/Anesthesiology Residency
Director, Medical Education Fellowship
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Vice Chair of Education - Wilmer Eye Institute
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Fasika Ambachew Woreta, M.D., M.P.H.
Director - Ophthalmology Residency Program
Director - Eye Trauma Center
Eugene de Juan, MD Professor of Ophthalmic Education
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Specialized Call - Partnership with the JHUSOM Office of CME
Project: Bringing Geriatrics to the Patient: Development and Implementation of a Quality Improvement Project in Clinical Practice Following a Geriatrics CME Course
Jane Marks, R.N. M.S.
Danelle Olson Cayea, M.D., M.S.
Vice Chair for Education, Department of Medicine
Director, Daniel and Jeannette Hendin Schapiro Geriatric Medical Education Center
Director, Medicine Core Clerkship
Director, TRIPLE Course
Associate Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Project: Comparing the Effect of Standard Setting vs. 80% Cut Scores for Assessing Knowledge Proficiency to Obtain CME Credit
Program Director, Primary Care for Cancer Survivors Program
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Oncology
Assistant Dean for Part-Time Faculty
Director of the Longitudinal Clerkship
Senior Director of Education and Training, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
Associate Professor of Medicine
Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, Department of Medicine
Medical Director for Primary Care Value and Innovation in the Office of Johns Hopkins Physicians
Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Oncology
Senior Associate Program Director for Evaluation and Assessment, Osler Medical Residency
Clinical Director, Johns Hopkins General Internal Medicine at Green Spring Station
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Project: A Novel Approach to Applied Instruction in Oncology Trainees
Caitlin Hanlon, Ph.D.
Director, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program
Co-Director, Pediatric Hematologic Malignancy Program
Clinical Director, Pediatric Oncology Inpatient Program
Assistant Professor of Oncology
Instructor of Pediatrics
Project: The Impact of Videogames on Pulmonary Procedural Skills and Spatial Awareness
Christopher Mallow, M.D., M.H.S.
Interventional Pulmonary Fellowship Director
Wang Interventional Pulmonary Fellowship Director
Director of Bronchoscopy, Johns Hopkins Bayview
Director of Pleural Disease Services
Associate Professor of Medicine
Jeffrey Paul Thiboutot, M.D., M.H.S.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Project: Development of a Neonatal Minimally Invasive Surgery Training Curriculum
Surgical Director, The Hopkins Resource for Intestinal Vitality and Enhancement (THRIVE)
Program Director, Pediatric Surgery Fellowship
Associate Chief, Clinical Operations and Education
Associate Professor of Surgery
Daniel Sangkyu Rhee, M.D., M.P.H.
Director, Pediatric Surgical Oncology Program
Associate Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor of Oncology
Project: Primary Source
Director, Osler Medical Residency Urban Health Track
Director, Medicine-Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Program
Associate Professor of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Instructor of Medicine
Project: Engaging the Patient with Addiction: Developing an Online Education Curriculum for Medical Trainees
Esther Lee, M.D.
Director of the Core Clerkship in Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Co-Medical Director, Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction
Assistant Director, Adult Psychiatric Emergency Services, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Project: Using Patient Photographs to Improve Handoff Education and Patient Centered Care
Janet Serwint, M.D.
Medical Director, Office of Telemedicine
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Editor-in-Chief, Pediatric PEAC Online Learning Program
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Project: Bedside Education in the Art of Medicine
Director of the Paul McHugh Program for Human Flourishing, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Medicine
Director, Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital
Director, Psychiatry Clerkship
Clinical director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry Director, Geriatric Fellowship
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Project: Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness and Resident Learning During Morbidity and Mortality Conferences with Audience Response Systems
Ira L. Leeds, M.D., M.B.A.
Vice Chair of Quality, Safety, & Service, Department of Surgery
Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Project: EVOLVE: An Interactive Platform to Transform STILE Classroom Learning and Beyond
Caitlin Hanlon, Ph.D.
John Bettridge
Leah Greenspan
Rebecca Keener
Project Title: Point of Care Ultrasound: Training Internal Medicine Residents for 21st Century Bedside Medicine
Project Title: JHFIRE: Joint Huddles for Improving Resident Education