
The #everyBODYmoves campaign is a grassroots effort that aims to address immobility harm in the acute hospital and post-acute setting. Our goal is to develop a forum for clinicians and organizations to share best practice that nurses, therapists and medical colleagues can embrace.

Share Successes on Social

Follow us on our social media platforms and use #everyBODYmoves to share your mobility efforts and challenge others.

#everyBODYmoves Promotion Resources

Download these resources to help you foster a culture of mobility in your institution. We offer several mobility evaluation tools and informational flyers that can be printed as large as a poster size or used digitally as screen savers or slideshows. These resources are available for download and use under a creative commons license.

Mobility Measurement Tools

Our complimentary toolkit includes three tools to help you measure patient mobility, set mobility goals and evaluate potential barriers to establishing a culture of mobility within your team: 

  • Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility (JH-HLM) Scale
  • Patient Mobilization: Attitudes and Beliefs Survey
  • Johns Hopkins Daily Mobility Goal Calculator
  • Johns Hopkins Safe Patient Handling Mobility (JH-SPHM) Guide

Request your tools

Education and Implementation Services

If you are interested in creating a culture of patient mobility at your institution, explore our education and implementation offerings.