Somatic Self Care

What do you need right now: centering and a sense of calm, or a boost of energy to get you through the work? 

Join Peabody Institute faculty, Jen Graham, as she leads you through a gentle movement series to promote mind-body connection and well-being.  

All you need is a little bit of time and a little bit of space. No equipment or work-out clothes needed. Designed to be done on the unit or in your office or home space. 

Find your favorites. Share with your colleagues. Practice together with your teams. 

Self-Care through Somatic Movement

The term “Somatics” was coined by professor and theorist Thomas Hanna in 1976 and it has come to represent a field of movement studies and bodywork that foregrounds the internal physical sensations, perceptions, and experiences of the body. Somatic shorts are 5 minute sessions that allow you to reconnect with your body through movement that is performed consciously, with complete internal focus and attention.


Somatic Full Practice

Somatic shorts are 5 minute sessions to reconnect with your body through movement. Though you can pick any session at any time, we recommend you go in order to address and connect your body as an integrated whole.

Complete Full Practice ProgramCalming Session | Activating Sessions

Somatic Full Practice- Full Program

  1. Body ScanCalming
    Finding present awareness within the body by attending to physical sensations and needs
  2. Conscious BreathingCalming
    Reconnecting to the baseline experience of inhale and exhale and how it serves us
  3. Three Dimensional BreathingCalming
    Accessing fuller, more effective use of breath and the structures that support our breathing
  4. Releasing Weight through Ideokinesis- Activating
    Using imagery to facilitate a shift in the way we sense and release the physical and emotional weight that we carry
  5. Re-Energizing through Tactile Activation- Activating
    Reinvigorating and grounding in the body through self-to-self physical contact
  6. Trigger Point Release with PropsCalming and Activating
    A simple exercise, rooted in the Feldenkrais Method, to quickly and easily release shoulder and neck tension and give your posture a reset
  7. Freeing the Spine- Calming
    Freeing up the muscles and joints of the back, ribcage, neck, shoulders, and arms through a simple mobilizing exercise
  8. Seated Pelvic Shift- Calming and Activating
    This session is about finding a sense of stability and control by moving and mobilizing from the pelvis.
  9. Grounding Your Weight- Calming and Activating
    This session is about releasing tension and finding support from the feet up.
  10. Moving Our Weight- Activating
    Organizing, coordinating, and reconnecting all of the parts of the body through simple weight shifts to bring yourself back to center
  11. Releasing & Activating through Effort- Calming
    Using effortful breath and movement qualities to wake up the senses and release any tension or stress that is being held within the body
  12. Using Your Weight- Activating
    This session is about accessing the Exertion-Recuperation Cycle of the body to regain energetic balance.
  13. Finding Your Groove- Activating
    This session is about settling into the natural rhythm of your body through musical connection & movement (dancing!).
  14. Total Body Stretch- Calming and Activating
    This session is about stretching your full body.
  15. Sharing the Energy – Partner or Group Exercise- Calming and Activating
    This session is about connecting to others through shared space and generating a shared energy and flow.
  16. Moving Conversations – Partner or Group Exercise- Calming and Activating
    This session is about engaging with others through a conversational movement experience.

Somatic Full Practice-Calming Sessions

  • Body Scan
    Finding present awareness within the body by attending to physical sensations and needs
  • Conscious Breathing
    Reconnecting to the baseline experience of inhale and exhale and how it serves us
  • Releasing Weight through Ideokinesis
    Using imagery to facilitate a shift in the way we sense and release the physical and emotional weight that we carry
  • Trigger Point Release with Props
    A simple exercise, rooted in the Feldenkrais Method, to quickly and easily release shoulder and neck tension and give your posture a reset
  • Freeing the Spine
    Freeing up the muscles and joints of the back, ribcage, neck, shoulders, and arms through a simple mobilizing exercise
  • Grounding Your Weight
    This session is about releasing tension and finding support from the feet up.
  • Moving Our Weight
    Organizing, coordinating, and reconnecting all of the parts of the body through simple weight shifts to bring yourself back to center
  • Moving Conversations – Partner or Group Exercise
    This session is about engaging with others through a conversational movement experience.

Somatic Full Practice-Activating Sessions

Somatic Shorts

Somatic shorts are 5 minute sessions to reconnect with your body through movement. Though you can pick any session at any time, we recommend you go in order to address and connect your body as an integrated whole.

Somatic Shorts Complete ProgramCalming Sessions-Short | Activating Session-Short

Somatic Shorts Full Program

  1. Body ScanCalming
    Finding present awareness within the body by attending to physical sensations and needs
  2. Conscious BreathingCalming
    Reconnecting to the baseline experience of inhale and exhale and how it serves us
  3. Three Dimensional BreathingCalming
    Accessing fuller, more effective use of breath and the structures that support our breathing
  4. Releasing Weight through IdeokinesisCalming
    Using imagery to facilitate a shift in the way we sense and release the physical and emotional weight that we carry
  5. Tactile ActivationCalming
    Reinvigorating and grounding in the body through self-to-self physical contact
  6. Shoulder & Neck Tension ReleaseCalming
    A simple exercise, rooted in the Feldenkrais Method, to quickly and easily release shoulder and neck tension and give your posture a reset
  7. Mobilizing the Upper Body- Activating
    Freeing up the muscles and joints of the back, ribcage, neck, shoulders, and arms through a simple mobilizing exercise
  8. Posterior Chain StretchCalming and Activating
    Waking up, lengthening, and soothing the spine, pelvis, and muscles that run the length of the back of the body
  9. Grounding- Activating
    Releasing body weight through the feet and into the floor, reestablishing a conscious sense of grounding and centering through that connection
  10. Moving Our Weight- Activating
    Organizing, coordinating, and reconnecting all of the parts of the body through simple weight shifts to bring yourself back to center
  11. Releasing & Activating through Effort- Activating
    Using effortful breath and movement qualities to wake up the senses and release any tension or stress that is being held within the body
  12. Finding Your Groove- Activating
    Using music to access rhythm and your physical sense of yourself through dance

Somatic Shorts- Calming Sessions

  • Body Scan
    Finding present awareness within the body by attending to physical sensations and needs
  • Conscious Breathing
    Reconnecting to the baseline experience of inhale and exhale and how it serves us
  • Three Dimensional Breathing
    Accessing fuller, more effective use of breath and the structures that support our breathing
  • Releasing Weight through Ideokinesis
    Using imagery to facilitate a shift in the way we sense and release the physical and emotional weight that we carry
  • Shoulder & Neck Tension Release
    A simple exercise, rooted in the Feldenkrais Method, to quickly and easily release shoulder and neck tension and give your posture a reset
  • Posterior Chain Stretch
    Waking up, lengthening, and soothing the spine, pelvis, and muscles that run the length of the back of the body

Somatic Shorts- Activating Sessions

  • Tactile Activation
    Reinvigorating and grounding in the body through self-to-self physical contact
  • Mobilizing the Upper Body
    Freeing up the muscles and joints of the back, ribcage, neck, shoulders, and arms through a simple mobilizing exercise
  • Posterior Chain Stretch
    Waking up, lengthening, and soothing the spine, pelvis, and muscles that run the length of the back of the body
  • Grounding
    Releasing body weight through the feet and into the floor, reestablishing a conscious sense of grounding and centering through that connection
  • Moving Our Weight
    Organizing, coordinating, and reconnecting all of the parts of the body through simple weight shifts to bring yourself back to center
  • Releasing & Activating through Effort
    Using effortful breath and movement qualities to wake up the senses and release any tension or stress that is being held within the body
  • Finding Your Groove
    Using music to access rhythm and your physical sense of yourself through dance