Now in its 11th year, the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences gathers science reporters for an annual, daylong event focused on a single research topic. Journalists enjoy firsthand access to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers and physicians, getting the opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in health, medicine and science. Past events focused on topics ranging from sensory biology to epigenetics to pain and tissue regeneration and the brain to metabolism research and the immune system and immunology. Nearly 100 journalists and science writers from all regions in the U.S. and Canada have attended this exclusive event.
Who Can Attend
The Science Writers' Boot Camp is open to science communicators of all types including writers, journalists, bloggers and public information officers. To join our email list for information about our events, please contact us at [email protected].
Richard Huganir, Ph.D.
The Space Between Neurons: Where Developmental and Mental Health Disorders Begin
When a single mutation wrecks the tiny space between neurons in the brain, where key messages about memories and learning are traded, a developmental disorder called SYNGAP1 begins. What researchers have learned about this disorder and how to potentially treat it may also reveal new insights on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other neurological conditions.
Mollie Meffert, Ph.D.
Deep-Diving into the Brain, Where Faulty Connections Offer Insights to Disease
Zoom in to the microspace connecting neurons to see what happens in the brains of people with cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.
Joshua Vogelstein, Ph.D.
Open Access to the Brain: a Computer "Connectome" Links Brain Images in Fine Detail
What can we learn from connecting databases of brain imaging data? The Open Connectome Project is an ambitious endeavor to visualize the brain in extraordinary detail, one neuron at a time. Learn more.
Joshua Sharfstein, M.D.
Stemming the Opioid Epidemic with Science
Policy and population science expert Joshua Sharfstein will discuss a basic conundrum: Some of the most popular efforts to address the opioid crisis do not work, while approaches based in science can be deeply unpopular.
Michael I. Miller, Ph.D.
Engineering the Future of Medicine: Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease
At Johns Hopkins University, the Department of Biomedical Engineering is Engineering the Future of Medicine by developing the technologies that cure disease. Dr. Miller will present highlights from his own research, which uses computational medicine approaches to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease years before the onset of clinical symptoms.
Vikram Chib, Ph.D.
The Motivation Problem: Learning What Drives Depression and other Neurological Disorders
What motivates us? Understanding the connection between motivation and behavior can help scientists develop better treatments for neurological and psychological impairments.
Andrew Feinberg, M.D., M.P.H.
The "epigenome": a key to unlock how the environment plus genetics cause disease
Researchers have found connections between the DNA sequence — chemical letters that spell out our genes — and epigenetic tags — "punctuation" that turns those genes on and off. Errors in the letters and punctuation may cause cancer and psychiatric disease.
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
A Crystal Ball on Addiction
Amid a sea of people who need painkillers, who is more or less likely to get addicted? That's the question posed by researchers who are studying the genetic risk factors linked to drug dependency and addiction. Their ultimate goal: predict who is most at risk of dependency and help doctors intervene.
Emma Beth McGinty, Ph.D.
Myths and Misconceptions About Mental Health and Addiction
Nearly half of Americans will experience mental illness or a substance use disorder in their lifetime. Despite the wide prevalence, negative stereotypes persist, often because of misconceptions about mental health and violence. Learn the facts about how health and social policy affect mental health and substance use. Learn more.
Mary M. (Maggie) Sweeney, Ph.D.
The Buzz on Caffeine: Laboratory and Treatment Studies
Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Although moderate caffeine consumption is associated with few health risks, Mary Sweeney will discuss recent evidence that suggests (1) caffeinated energy drink consumption is associated with a range of risky behaviors, (2) added caffeine increases some reinforcing effects of alcohol, and (3) persistent problematic caffeine use can be associated with meaningful clinical impairment but may be treated effectively with brief behavioral intervention. Learn more.
Lauren Jansson, M.D.
The Substance Exposed Mother and Infant
Lauren Jansson provides pediatric care to children of women with substance use disorders, and is a researcher evaluating the effects of maternal substance use and misuse on the fetus and infant. Learn how maternal substance use can affect the developing child and the need for comprehensive care for mothers and their children during and after pregnancy.
Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
A National Perspective on Drug Abuse Research
NIDA director Nora Volkow discusses the most pivotal discoveries in drug dependency research and the challenges ahead.
Atsushi Kamiya, M.D., Ph.D.
An Inflamed Brain May Reveal New Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders
Scientists have spotted inflamed brain cells in marijuana-smoking teens and people with severe depression. If scientists can reverse the inflammation, it may lead to treatments for depression and cognitive problems linked to pot exposure.
Victor Dzau, M.D.
A National Collaborative to Counter the Opioid Epidemic
What can a collaboration of more than 35 government, hospital, academic, public and private organizations do to halt the opioid epidemic? Victor Dzau, National Academy of Medicine president, will describe the initiative and its aim to create and communicate science-based solutions.
Traci Speed, M.D., Ph.D.
An Answer to the Opioid Crisis: Coordinated Pain Management
Half of overdose deaths in the U.S. are linked to prescription opioids and substance use disorders have reached epidemic proportions. A clinic at Johns Hopkins is having success in weaning surgical patients off chronic opioids with research-based methods and coordinated care before, during and after surgery. Learn more.
Joshua Sharfstein, M.D., Moderator

Kenneth Stoller, M.D.

Maia Szalavitz

Emma Beth McGinty, Ph.D.

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Explore Past Boot Camps
- 2022 HERstory of Medicine: Research and Clinical Advances in Women's Health
- 2021 The Science of Diversity
- 2020 If the Medicine Fits: The Promise of Precision Medicine in Action
- 2019 Mysteries of the Mind - Understanding Mental Health and Addiction
- 2018 The Price We Pay:Growing Old in America
- 2017 The Frenemy Within: How the immune system can help us and hurt us, and its radical personalized future