Body Building: Recent Advances in Regenerative Medicine
Science Writers' Boot Camp
April 29, 2013

Program to Body Building: Recent Advancements in Regenerative Medicine
Welcome and Introduction
Stephen Desiderio
Just the Basics, Ma’am
Tantalizing testis: The colorful world of fruit fly stem cells
Erika Matunis
Anti-angiogenesis drugs: How blocking blood vessel growth promotes regeneration
Jun Liu
It’s Alive! Building Tissue from Scratch
Organoid-in-a-dish mimics small intestine
Mark Donowitz
Building Bone in Bioreactors
Warren Grayson
Do I Make You Nervous?
Stimulating the brain’s stem cells
Guo-li Ming
Repairing spinal cord nerves
Ronald Schnaar
Where Have All the Stem Cells Gone?
Tracking transplanted stem cells
Jeff Bulte
Stem cell implants to repair damaged hearts
Gary Gerstenblith
Once Science Fiction, Now Reality
Half-matched transplants for sickle-cell patients
Robert Brodsky