The end of breast cancer treatment signals a new phase of your life and care. Regaining a sense of balance and normalcy afterward can be as challenging as the disease itself. The reality for a majority of patients involves a number of short- and long-term physical, psychological and financial effects to cope with following medical treatment for breast cancer — what is often referred to as the “new normal.” Complicating things further, there are often minimal structures in place to ensure communication between a patient’s oncology and primary care health care team once treatment is completed.
Recognizing this need, Johns Hopkins launched its Breast Cancer Survivorship Program. Its extensive offerings include a transition care plan, a management strategy for any lingering side effects of treatment, education and information on a number of health and wellness topics, group support, and more.
Often times, one individual takes on the mentally and physically exhausting role of caregiver for a breast cancer patient, be it a spouse, a sibling, or someone else. To support caregivers, we provide coping strategies and first-hand accounts from people who have taken on this challenging role.