Masks Strongly Recommended but Not Required in Maryland
Respiratory viruses continue to circulate in Maryland, so masking remains strongly recommended when you visit Johns Hopkins Medicine clinical locations in Maryland. To protect your loved one, please do not visit if you are sick or have a COVID-19 positive test result. Get more resources on masking and COVID-19 precautions.
FMC - Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for People With Multiple High-Risk Chronic Conditions
Product Lines:
Advantage MD.
Eligible Population:
Members 18 years and older as of December 31 of the measurement year.
Definition: The percentage of emergency department (ED) visits for members 18 years of age and older who have multiple high-risk chronic conditions who had a follow-up service within 7 days of the ED visit.
Report two age stratifications and a total rate:
18–64 years.
65 years and older.
Continuous Enrollment:
365 days prior to the ED visit through 7 days after the ED visit.
Best Practice and Measure Tips
The denominator is based on ED visits, not members.
ED visits count between January 1 and December 24 of the measurement year where member was 18 years of age or older on the date of the visit.
ED visits that result in an inpatient stay, either acute or non-acute, within 7 days after the inpatient stay are excluded.
The following are eligible chronic condition diagnoses. Each bullet indicates an eligible chronic condition (for example, COPD and asthma are considered the same chronic condition):
Acute myocardial infarction (MI Value Set; Old Myocardial Infarction).
Atrial fibrillation
Stroke and transient ischemic attack (visit with a principal diagnosis of encounter for other specified aftercare not included).
ED visits are counted for members with two or more different chronic conditions prior to the ED visit
Eligible chronic condition diagnoses are identified on the discharge claim, on different dates of service, during the measurement year or year prior. (Visit type need not be the same for the two visits, but the visits must be for the same eligible chronic condition.)
At least two outpatient visits ED visits, telephone visits, e-visits or virtual check-ins, nonacute inpatient encounters or nonacute inpatient discharges.
Visits are identified chronologically. Only one visit per 8-day period. If a member has more than one ED visit in an 8-day period, only the first eligible ED visit is included.
Ensure member has follow-up services within 7 days after the ED visit. Eight days totals to include visits that occurred on the day of the ED visit.
Measure Exclusions
Required Exclusions:
Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year.
Members who died any time during the measurement year.
Measure Codes
Outpatient visit, telephone visit, e-visit or virtual check-in