CHL - Chlamydia Screening

Product Lines:
EHP, Priority Partners and USFHP.

Eligible Population:
Members 16–24 years as of December 31 of the measurement year. This includes HealthChoice Performance Measure reporting for Priority Partners.

Members who were recommended for routine chlamydia screening, were identified as sexually active and had at least one chlamydia test in the measurement year. Report two age stratifications and a total rate:

  • 16–20 years
  • 21–24 years
  • Total

Members recommended for routine chlamydia screening with any of the following criteria:

  • Administrative Gender: Female (AdministrativeGender code female) any time in the member’s history.
  • Sex Assigned at Birth: (LOINC code 76689-9) Female (LOINC code LA3-6) any time in the member’s history.
  • Sex Parameter for Clinical Use of Female (SexParameterForClinicalUse code female-typical) during the measurement year.

Continuous Enrollment:

  • The measurement year.

Best Practice and Measure Tips

  • Chlamydia screening may not be captured via claims if the service is performed and billed under prenatal and postpartum global billing.
  • May be either a urine analysis or vaginal swab from the same ThinPrep used for the Pap smear. Samples must be sent to the lab vendor for analysis.
  • Document in the medical record should indicate the date the test was performed and the result or finding, including any follow-ups.
  • Incorporate a sexual history into the History and Physical documentation in your EMR.
  • Have patient come in for their routine yearly visit and incorporate universal screening for all women in the age range.
  • A chlamydia screening should occur with or without symptoms.
  • Educate member about sexually transmitted diseases (STD), include signs, symptoms, and treatment.
  • For any visit where oral contraceptive, sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or urinary symptoms are discussed, a Chlamydia screening should occur.
  • Educate members about safe sex and abstinence.

Measure Exclusions

Required Exclusions:

  • Sex Assigned at Birth: (LOINC code 76689-9) Male (LOINC code LA2-8) any time in the member’s history.
  • Members in hospice or using hospice services anytime during the measurement year.
  • Members who died any time during the measurement year.
  • If a member qualified for the measure from a pregnancy test alone, they’ll be excluded if they have one of the following on the date of the pregnancy test or six days after the pregnancy test any time during the measurement year: 
    • A prescription for isotretinoin (Retinoid medications)
    • An X-ray

Measure Codes

  • Chlamydia Screening Test
    • CPT: 87110, 87270, 87320, 87490, 87491, 97492, 87810
    • LOINC: 14463-4, 14464-2, 14465-9, 14467-5, 14474-1, 14513-6, 16600-9, 21190-4, 21191-2, 21613-5, 23838-6, 31775-0, 34710-4, 42931-6, 43304-5 , 43404-3 , 44806-8, 44807-6, 45068-4, 45069-2, 45072-6, 45073-4, 45075-9, 45084-1, 45089-0, 45090-8, 45091-6, 45093-2, 45095-7, 4993-2 , 50387-0, 53925-4, 53926-2, 57287-5, 6353-7, 6356-0, 6357-8, 80360-1, 80361-9, 80362-7, 80363-5, 80364-3, 80365-0, 80367-6, 82306-2, 87949-4, 87950-2, 88221-7, 89648-0, 91860-7, 91873-0