For Educators

two medical professionals in physical therapy room

Faculty educators are pivotal to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s tripartite mission and the strategic priority of being the world’s leader in educating health care professionals. To excel at this arm of the mission, educators require support, skills training, opportunities, and recognition. We, in the Office of Faculty Development, and under the guidance of the Associate Dean for Faculty Educational Development, Dr. Rachel Levine, believe strongly in the key role of Hopkins faculty as educators. We also recognize that our educators represent a diverse group in terms of content expertise (including basic science and clinical), teaching settings, career paths, and motivations.

The Office of Faculty: Faculty Development is committed to fostering a thriving and engaged community of skilled biomedical educators through faculty development that promotes teaching mastery, educational scholarship, educational program building and leadership.

The Office of Faculty Development strives to partner with entities and resources across the University to assist all educators in reaching their full potential. We are  focused on teaching skills and career development programming to promote academic advancement and faculty satisfaction.

Other Resources

JHU online teaching resources and links:

Tips for online teaching:

For Zoom FAQs and video tutorials:

To participate in a free online course on distance learning:

Teaching Mastery

Educational Scholarship