Communication and Resolution Program (CRP)

doctor and patient talking in exam room

Everyone at Johns Hopkins Medicine works hard to give patients the best care possible. Medicine is complex and not an exact science, as many treatments involve risks of complications. Unexpected or even preventable outcomes may occur. When a medical outcome is not what is expected, no matter the reason, we strive to support our patients and families both medically and emotionally through the Communication and Resolution Program (CRP).

Johns Hopkins Medicine uses a Communication and Resolution Program (CRP) as a framework to resolve unexpected outcomes with patients.

What is a CRP?

A CRP program is a systematic approach to when an unexpected medical outcome occurs, no matter the reason. Following an event, facility team members will communicate empathetically with you and your family, investigate and explain what happened, implement systems to avoid recurrences of incidents, apologize, and work towards a resolution. We are committed to re-establishing your trust

Our Promise

Consistent, open, and honest communication between your healthcare providers and you/your family. 
Offer an apology, support you medically and emotionally.
A thorough investigation of the event to determine if it could have been prevented, and if so, how it will be prevented in the future.

Patient Feedback: Points of Contact

Johns Hopkins is committed to providing you and your loved ones a respectful and positive experience. Our staff are here to listen and help address any concerns you may have.