Lean Practitioner for Healthcare Certificate Course

Now more than ever, the pressure is on to provide high quality care while increasing efficiency and reducing costs. If you are looking for ways to heal health care from within, Lean could be your answer. Armed with Lean tools and techniques, your frontline staff can identify waste in their health care delivery processes and then reduce or eliminate that waste.
Easy to learn and apply, Lean methodology has helped health care organizations to realize many benefits, including reduced patient wait times, faster processing of medications, decreased risk of medication errors, less inventory and more patient-focused processes. Lean can be applied to virtually any system where waste exists.
All courses are via Zoom and Canvas.
Upcoming workshops:
- Mar. 3 - 30, 2025 Asynchronous Lean Practitioner Course (optional synchronous sessions Mar. 10, 17, 24 at 10 - 11 a.m. E.D.T.)
- Apr. 28 - May 25, 2025 Asynchronous Lean Practitioner Course (optional synchronous sessions May 5, 12, 19 at 10 - 11 a.m. E.D.T.)
Learn about our asynchronous course option
Participation and exam: $750 per participant for standard registrants
Lean Practitioner Project Certification: (optional) $250
Johns Hopkins Medicine employees: No cost but seats are limited.
Email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Please see our Cancellation/No Show & Refund Policy. Beginning January 1, 2021, the No-Show Policy has been reinstated.
The Participant Experience
As participants are introduced to Lean tools, we offer opportunities to experience these tools through examples and practice exercises. In addition, participants will complete a series of homework assignments between virtual live sessions to further practice lean tools and concepts.
Please note that to earn a Lean Practitioner Certificate of Training, participants are expected to attend each of the live virtual sessions, successfully complete each of the homework assignments, and pass the Lean Practitioner exam.
Participants who have earned a Lean Practitioner Certificate of Training are eligible to complete a Lean Practitioner project and earn Lean Practitioner Certification.
Asynchronous Lean Practitioner Course
To better accommodate your busy schedules, we are now offering the Lean Practitioner in an asynchronous format. This means that you can watch the content videos during each week when it’s convenient to you. During this 4-week course, you will dive into one module each of the first 3 weeks: Define, Measure/Analyze and Improve/Control. During each week, you will complete and turn in assignments, which provide an opportunity for you to apply some of the concepts taught. During the 4th week, you will take the Lean Practitioner Certificate of Training Exam.
To support your learning, our Lean Sigma Team will hold a series of review/office hours to answer your questions and clarify concepts. While these synchronous sessions are not required, attendance is highly recommended.
Lean Tools and Techniques
- A3 (project planning and documentation)
- 7 Wastes (Defects, Overproduction, Motion, Over-processing, Waiting, Inventory, Transportation)
- Value Stream Mapping (to identify waste of waiting, inventory and non-value-added activity)
- Spaghetti Diagramming (to identify waste of motion and transportation)
- Operational Methods Sheets (to promote standard work)
- 5 S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
- Kaizen (rapid improvement events)
- Mistake-Proofing (Eliminate, Replace, Facilitate, Detect, Mitigate)
- Visual Management (Kanban, One-piece flow)
- Control Plans
Who Should Attend
Health care professionals, including executives, physicians, nurses, hospital and medical office administration staff, industrial and management engineers, laboratory and specialized health care services staff, clinical staff, pharmacy staff and all others interested in applying Lean methodology to a health care system.
Read our FAQs on our Lean Practitioner & Lean Sigma Green Belt courses
Laura Winner, Dr.PH, R.N., B.S.N., M.B.A.
Senior Director of Operational Excellence, Lean Sigma Deployment
Scott Burkett, B.S., C.S.S.B.B.
Assistant Director, Lean Sigma Deployment
Wilson Lamy, B.S., C.S.S.M.B.B.
Assistant Director, Lean Sigma Deployment
Erica Reinhardt, M.B.A., M.S., R.D., C.L.S.S.B.B.
Assistant Director, Lean Sigma Deployment (Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center campus)
Questions and Consulting Requests
Email [email protected].