Veterinary MRI

dog waiting for a treat

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an advanced imaging procedure that takes comprehensive images of the internal structures of your cat or dog to assist in determining an accurate diagnosis. MRIs are used to identify issues such as spinal issues, compression fractures, inflammation, infection and tumors that can't be seen with other imaging modalities. 

Veterinary Clinical Trials Network combines experience, expertise, a highly skilled team with cutting-edge equipment to provide the highest level of care for your pet. 


How to Schedule with VCTN

Pet owners

Please contact us (preferably via email at [email protected] or by phone 410-614-0105) to inquire about scheduling an MRI. You should have your veterinarian(s) email us a copy of your pet’s medical record including any radiographs (x-rays) that have been taken of the pet.

Please include how soon you would like the pet to be imaged (i.e. asap) and if there are any dates/times that work or do not work for scheduling the procedure. You should plan on the pet being with us for half a day.


Fill out the attached referral form and email [email protected] a copy of the medical record, lab work and any radiographs.

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Phone 410-614-0105

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