Labor and Delivery: What to Expect

The Johns Hopkins Birthing Center offers true mother/baby couplet care with no separation, provided both mother and baby are healthy. Learn more about giving birth at the Johns Hopkins Birthing Center.
To prepare for your hospital stay, we recommend bringing:
- A robe
- Non-skid slide shoes (not flip flops)
- Loose/button up, zip up shirts for partner to participate in skin to skin
- 2 to 3 days of clothes, snacks and medications care partner will need for stay
- An outfit for you to go home in (you will be about the same size you were at 6 months pregnant)
- Baby clothing including undershirt, hat, blanket (weather appropriate; for taking pictures or when leaving for home)
- Your own pillow from home (we do supply pillows but you may be most comfortable with yours)
- Toiletries (we offer soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, sanitary napkins, although you may prefer to bring your own)
- Infant approved car seat
Where to Go
We are located in the Zayed Building of the Johns Hopkins Hospital at 1800 Orleans Street. All patients should go immediately to Zayed 8th floor to register and be seen in triage. Visit this page for maps and directions.
For your convenience, patient and visitor parking is located directly across the street in the Orleans Street Garage. You can take the garage elevator to Level 4 via the pedestrian bridge. If you are being dropped off by a friend or family member, they can drive directly up to the main entrance at 1800 Orleans Street, and you can come straight into the hospital from there. Stop by the concierge desk for assistance.
Valet parking is available at the main entrance on Orleans Street.
- If you feel you are in labor, have broken your water or have concerns, please call your provider. You will be instructed by your physician to come to the hospital.
- You will come to the Johns Hopkins Birthing Center, located on Zayed 8. You and your care partner will register on the main floor and will be directed to Zayed 8.
- You will be seen, by yourself, by a nurse to be triaged. One care partner can join you once you are placed in an observation room. Here they will monitor you and your baby and determine if you are in labor.
- If you are in labor, you will be admitted to a labor room (LDR). You can have 3 visitors total. If you have a doula with you, please assure they have proper identification and a copy of their certification. Your doula does count as one of your 3 visitors.
- If you are not in labor you may be asked to walk for two hours to be re-checked, or you will be discharged to early labor at home.
- Once admitted the OB team and Anesthesia team will come to consent you and explain the plan of care. This is a good time to discuss your wishes or share your birth plan with the team.
- Your labor process will be monitored in the LDR. You will wear a belt that sends signals to the electronic fetal monitor and one to monitor your contractions. All of our nurses are certified in electronic fetal monitoring. Your doctor will check on you periodically to monitor your progress.
- Your care team will work with you to help identify good times to receive your epidural if you choose to have one. Our OB Anesthesiology Team is on stand-by on our unit 24/7. At our Center, we respect those patients who request an unmedicated delivery. PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer aqua/water births.
- Every member of the care team will introduce themselves when they enter your room and explain their role in your care.
- When you deliver, the baby will be placed skin to skin on your chest for the first hour of life. The nursing team will care for the newborn on your chest, assure you are safely holding the baby, and help you feed your baby for the first time. After the baby is an hour old, the nurse will bring the baby to the warmer to perform newborn care including shots, eye drops, measurements and initial assessment. About two hours after delivery, you will be moved to your postpartum room, where you will stay with your baby until discharge.
- After a vaginal delivery, patients recover in the hospital for up to 48 hours. We do support early discharge if you have excellent support in your home.
- If you are scheduled for a C-section, or if you should unexpectedly need one due to a pregnancy complication, the Birthing Center staff is committed to providing you with a safe and healthy delivery.
- If your C-section is scheduled, you will be asked to have your blood drawn for bloodwork 1-2 days before your scheduled procedure. You will receive a phone call from a labor and delivery staff member to verify the date and time of arrival. You will be given special wipes to use both the day before and the morning of your C-section. This helps prevent infection. When you arrive the day of surgery, you will be admitted to a pre-operative waiting area. Your family member (1) will be allowed to wait with you. PLEASE NOTE: We do our best to honor the times assigned; however, many events in obstetrics cannot be planned. Your baby will be delivered as soon as is safely possible and your nurse will keep you informed.
- The Birthing Center has three fully equipped operating rooms and a NICU team is present at all C-sections. After your surgery you will still have true couplet care, meaning baby will stay in your room during your entire stay as long as you and baby are both healthy. Your care partner is welcome to do skin to skin contact with your baby in the recovery room while you finish your surgery.
- In the unlikely event that your child requires additional care after birth, they will be taken immediately to the NICU and attended by the neonatal intensive care team.
- Patients who have undergone a C-section typically recover in the hospital for 72 hours. We do allow early discharge (at 48 hours) and extended stay (up to 96 hours) dependent on your circumstance.
- We have a supportive and extensive breastfeeding program with board-certified lactation consultants on staff (IBCLC). They will visit you within the first 24 hours of life to assist with breastfeeding. All of our nurses are also trained in breastfeeding support.
- The lactation team can help you obtain your breast pump through your insurance if eligible. You may wish to check with your insurance company prior to delivery on your eligibility.
- A breastfeeding mothers' support group meets twice weekly. This service is free and offers support to breastfeeding MOMS and NURSING BABIES! All are welcome, registration is not required.
- Every Tuesday morning on Zayed 8 West from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Please sign in at the Security Desk at the Zayed 8 Lobby and have a seat. Security will notify the Lactation staff when you have arrived.
- Every Friday morning at the Schaffer Auditorium in the Bloomberg Children's Center, Main Level, from 9:00am to 11:00am. Please have a seat and the Lactation staff will be with you shortly if not already present.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Lactation Office at 410-502-3221.
Please bring a going-home outfit for your baby, including a weather-appropriate blanket and hat. Also, have someone bring your infant car seat to your room before you leave.