Manisha Loss, MD
- Associate Chief Medical Information Officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
- Associate Professor of Dermatology
Ronald Sweren, MD
- Director, Phototherapy/Photopheresis Program, Department of Dermatology
- Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Our board certified dermatologists offer comprehensive dermatologic care in both general dermatology and subspecialty dermatology. A partial listing of skin problems is listed below that are treated by our dermatologists. We are currently accepting new and return patients (self-referred) or patients referred by other physicians.
A few of the skin conditions we see and treat in medical dermatology include:
- Acne
- Alopecia
- Autoimmune diseases (bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, and others)
- Contact allergies (patch testing)
- Eczema
- Melanoma and other skin cancers (Merkel cell, Basal cell and Squamous cell carcinomas)
Schedule An Appointment Schedule An Appointment
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Referring a Patient
To refer a patient for medical dermatology, please fax a referral to the preferred site for your patient. We request that referrals be made to "Johns Hopkins Dermatology" (regardless of subspecialty) to ensure that your patient will be seen at the earliest opportunity and by the subspecialist for the condition. After the visit is completed, we will fax a copy of the visit notes to you to ensure continuity of care for your patient.
Medical Dermatology Experts
Advanced Practitioners
Mandy Criado