Membership Criteria

The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality (AI) at Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM) welcomes collaboration with faculty and staff across Johns Hopkins University (JHU) to improve patient safety, quality, experience, equity, and value. This document discusses criteria for selection and responsibilities of faculty and staff members appointed to AI. Continued success and scholarship at JHU require teams and a community of investigators and practitioners who share similar passions and interests, and who can share core resources, ideas, and methods both formally and informally. Membership in AI affords such an opportunity for quality, safety, and equity scholars and practitioners throughout JHU and JHM to collaborate.

To advance the JHM tripartite mission of research, education, and patient care, the AI welcomes participation from all members of the broader JHU and JHM faculty and clinical operations community who are interested in aspects of care delivery. Our goal is to increase interest, engage, and provide mentoring to JHU faculty and operational leaders/staff with roles supporting safety, quality, equity, and other health services delivery goals.

Members will be either: faculty, those with an academic appointment at a JHU school; or staff, those employed by a JHM entity who are involved in safety and quality implementation or scholarship and who do not hold a faculty appointment. Visiting faculty must have an academic appointment at their home academic institution. A second descriptor will help further delineate the member’s role in AI’s activities in advancing patient safety, quality, experience or equity (PSQ). The designation will be determined by the degree of the member’s involvement with AI and PSQ improvement efforts and their readiness/ ability to mentor others in PSQ. The main designations are: Core or Affiliate members (described below). In addition, there is a Principal Faculty or Staff role (also described below). Designations as Principal Faculty or Staff are handled separately. Principal faculty or staff of AI receive this designation by either leading a major initiative for AI or being hired by AI and are not subject to these appointment criteria or to review by the Membership Review Committee.). Visiting scholars may apply for a Visiting Faculty or staff role (described below).

Additional designations include “Charter Members” (original members of the Quality and Safety Research Group [QSRG] or the Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care), who are automatically granted Core status without re-application. However, these members may be asked to provide supporting documentation regarding their ongoing AI-related activities. “Senior Advisors” are leaders in quality, safety, experience and equity whose work provides important support for the mission of AI, although they are not closely involved in other AI activities. Finally, individuals or delegations may arrange for short-term site visits with AI known as “Observerships,” which may include tours of Hopkins facilities, interview schedules and presentation opportunities.

Applications for AI membership will be accepted on a rolling basis and discussed at a monthly Membership Review Committee meeting. AI Core and Affiliate members’ status will be reviewed by the Committee every three years. The committee will review Visiting Faculty appointments annually, including the engagement of the AI sponsor and the visitor’s home department/institution. AI members will be asked to provide supporting documentation for the renewal of their appointments.

The criteria for appointments with AI are summarized in Table 1 and key appointments are discussed in detail below.

Overview Table: Nomenclature for AI membership designations

Designation*   Description / Criteria
Established leader meeting AT LEAST ONE of these criteria:
  • AI Director, AI Center Director or Co-director, AI Satellite Director, or plays other significant leadership role in AI
  • Extensive involvement or engagement with AI internal operations (e.g., chairing multiple AI committees, leading major teaching programs)
  • Significant leadership role in PSQ at a JHM entity
  • At least 50% of member’s grant/contract/service funding flows through AI
  • Hired through AI and maintains original or new role in AI
Core Established PSQ Scholar or Expert meeting ALL the following criteria:
  • Attends AI meetings and supports PSQ research or work
  • Leads at least one PSQ project per year
  • Available to mentor/sponsor others for AI (for PSQ projects or career development)
Affiliate Developing PSQ Scholar or Expert meeting ALL the following criteria:
  • Attends AI meetings and supports PSQ research or work
  • Helps with at least one PSQ project per year
  • Has an AI Core or Principal member as a sponsor
An institutional leader who supports the AI mission without direct involvement in AI efforts:
  • Provides support, supervision, mentorship, or partnership that enhances AI activities (e.g., Dean of the School of Medicine; Department Directors)
Visiting External (non-Hopkins) faculty who is formally appointed as a visitor at Johns Hopkins, is on-site, and meets ALL the following criteria:
  • Faculty at an academic institution (appointed or hired)
  • Meets all institutional criteria and follow all institutional procedures for visitors
  • Assigned to a “home department” within Johns Hopkins
  • Has an AI Core or Principal member as a sponsor
  • Persons without a faculty appointment at an external institution may be considered for visiting status on a case-by-case basis
Observer Individuals or delegations participating in a short onsite visit with AI
  • Handles own travel, lodging, visa arrangements at minimal cost to AI

* Only the designation representing the highest level of engagement applies. All internal appointments are for three years while visiting status is granted for one year. AI Sponsor refers to an AI Core faculty or staff member who agrees to link the applicant to AI opportunities and peers and to offer mentorship on growth in PSQ at least once annually. Abbreviations: AI – Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality; PSQ – Patient Safety and Quality (includes experience and equity)

Core Member

Must be extensively involved with AI – example: grants, operations, mentorship of people in quality and safety

Faculty and staff are eligible to receive this appointment if they a) meet all requirements, b) fulfill all responsibilities, and c) complete the AI appointment process as outlined in “Procedures for AI Candidacy.” Core faculty and staff members may have swing space inside an AI location, and will be expected to attend AI faculty and staff meetings, participate in strategic planning, and operate to advance the mission of the AI. The Director must approve the allocation of space and other scarce institutional resources prior to assignment. An overview of requirements across designations is in Table 2.

Term of Appointment: 3 years 

Affiliate Member

Faculty and Staff are eligible to receive this appointment if they a) meet all eligibility requirements, b) fulfill some, but not necessarily all responsibilities, and c) complete the AI appointment process as outlined in “Procedures for AI Candidacy.” Consideration will be given not only to the number of responsibilities met, but also to the closeness of the association with the AI and its Core Faculty and Staff Members. This appointment recognizes faculty and staff who have close working associations with AI Faculty and Members and who have contributed to the AI mission and goals. Affiliate Faculty/Members will be able to participate in a community of scholars and practitioners working on PSQ and may: participate in training and conduct of research, receive mentoring, and assist in implementing and evaluating interventions throughout JHM. An overview of requirements across designations is offered in Table 2.

Term of Appointment: 3 years

Visiting Faculty or Member

Individuals are eligible to receive this appointment if they a) meet all requirements as for Affiliate Faculty/Members above except permanent full-time JHU faculty appointments; b) are prepared to fulfill some, but not necessarily all, responsibilities; and c) complete the AI appointment process as outlined in “Procedures for AI Candidacy.” Visiting faculty status can only be awarded to individuals who have obtained a visiting appointment with a department that has the ability to grant primary appointments. An AI visiting faculty will by definition be expected to be geographically located on the campus of The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, and have close working associations with AI Faculty. This appointment lasts 1 year. Individuals who do not have a faculty appointment may be considered on a case-by-case basis. A comparison of appointments appears in Table 2.

Term of Appointment: 1 year


An individual or delegation may request a short onsite visit with AI if they meet the responsibilities:

Membership Overview

  Core Member  Affiliate Member  Visiting Faculty 
Training: Advanced degree or scholarship in field relevant
to AI mission
 X  X  X
Scholarship: Peer-reviewed publications in the field of
patient safety and/or quality OR
 X  X  X
Contribution to Operational Mission  X  X  
Faculty or Staff appointment: Johns Hopkins University  X  X  
Faculty appointment: Academic University      X
Term  3 years  3 years  1 year
Contribute to teaching mission of AI
 X  X or  X or
Contribute to quality improvement mission of AI
 X  X or  X or
Contribute to the research mission of AI
 X  X  X
Attend Faculty Meetings
 X  X  X
Participate in mentoring
Access to Swing Space in the AI (with permission)
 X  X  X
Use of AI administrative/financial team support
 X (faculty only)    
Use AI letterhead
 X  X  X
Identification as AI member on CV and business cards
(appropriate designation)
 X  X  X
Inclusion of AI in Resources / Environment section of grants
 X (faculty only)  X (faculty only)  X (faculty only)
Use of AI conference rooms (with reservations)
 X  X  X
Use of AI equipment
 X  X  X
Access to other AI resources as available