Armstrong Institute Member and Faculty Appointment Procedures

Below we outline the steps for securing an appointment as a core or affiliate member, or as core, affiliate or visiting faculty with the Armstrong Institute (AI). Members are those with essential roles in quality and safety who do not hold a faculty appointment at any of the JHU schools. Principal faculty members are hired to join the Institute and are not discussed here.

Appointment Procedures
Core or Affiliate Faculty | Visiting Faculty

Procedures for AI Appointment as Core / Affiliate Member or Faculty

  1. Candidate completes online AI Appointment Application Package, including a letter of support for appointment from the candidate’s division/department/school. The letter of support demonstrates that the candidate’s supervisory chain is aware of, and supports the appointment. View the application form.
  2. Candidate must identify a willing AI sponsor. This person must be Core faculty or a Core member. This person should be named on the application but does not write a letter. The candidate should contact the sponsor about their willingness to serve before listing his/her/their name on the application.
  3. The candidate’s received online application package is forwarded to the Armstrong Institute Member Review Committee (MRC). One MRC member is assigned to present the candidate to the committee.
  4. Discussion of the candidate’s application, service and experience is held within the MRC. The committee decides whether the process for approval should go forward.
  5. Candidate meets with AI sponsor and receives "How to get involved” document. The two should discuss the candidate’s career development plans in patient safety and quality.
  6. The FRC Administrator will track the application’s progress and the successful candidate’s time for renewal.
  7. Feedback from FRC is given to the AI Sponsor to relay to the candidate at initial acceptance and upon appointment renewal.
  8. All feedback will be kept confidential - that is, it will not be identified as to who offers the feedback.
  9. The decision will be communicated to the candidate by the AI Director in writing, via email, as soon as possible after approval.
  10. The new AI Member should contact the Research in Progress planners to schedule a self-introduction to the rest of the AI membership. Attendance at faculty meetings and AI Patient Safety Grand Rounds is expected.

Procedures for AI Appointment as a Visiting Faculty Member

There are two routes by which a candidate may receive a Visiting Faculty appointment with the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality: 1) The candidate must have a preexisting Visiting faculty appointment within a department of Johns Hopkins University; OR 2) the candidate must identify a member of the Armstrong Institute Principal Faculty who is willing to host their visit.

Case 1: Pre-existing visiting appointment at Johns Hopkins

  1. Candidate completes online AI Appointment Application Package. View the application form.
  2. The application must include a letter of support for an AI appointment from the division / department / school (the visiting faculty’s supervisor) that the candidate is visiting. This letter should confirm the pre-existing visiting status, its expected duration, and permission to join the Armstrong Institute as visiting faculty.
  3. The application must name an AI sponsor from among the core faculty. The visiting scholar should request sponsorship from the AI Core Faculty member prior to listing his/her/their name.
  4. The AI Sponsor will notify all AI Core faculty of the Visiting Faculty’s appointment.
  5. To enhance collaboration and collegiality, once the Visiting Faculty Member has arrived in the Armstrong Institute, it is recommended that s/he sets up meetings with all relevant faculty and as many other faculty as desirable. It is also recommended that the Visiting Faculty Member give a talk to a broad audience such as AI Research in Progress (RIP) seminars. A special invitation will be circulated to all AI Faculty to attend.

Case 2: De Novo Visiting Appointment with Armstrong Institute

  1. In some cases, a Principal Faculty member of Armstrong Institute may identify a candidate for Visiting Faculty who they would like to bring to campus to work with Armstrong.
  2. These cases are rare and require demonstration of a funding source for the Visitor as well as other review by JH Human Resources.