Research at the Wilmer Eye Institute

The Wilmer Eye Institute is the largest department of ophthalmology in the United States and is an internationally-recognized research enterprise. Wilmer receives more funding from the National Eye Institute than any other university system, and is a leading recipient of research funding in the nation.
Wilmer is a thriving place for basic, clinical and translational research. Our researchers are thought leaders in the realm of discovery, dedicated to alleviating human suffering from eye disease by transforming ophthalmic care through innovative research. Our collaboration with multidisciplinary, world-renowned experts in fields such as gene therapy, nanotechnology, and stem cell research, have resulted in groundbreaking discoveries and therapies that enable us to change the way the world sees.

Our Research Teams

  • The Center for Nanomedicine

    A unique translational nanotechnology enterprise that brings engineers, scientists and clinicians together on the translation of novel drug and gene delivery technologies

    researchers huddle around tool
  • The Center for Stem Cells and Ocular Regenerative Medicine (STORM)

    A pioneering, collaborative research effort across Johns Hopkins to study and cure vision loss and blindness through regenerative medicine

    retina cells in dish
  • Wilmer Core Research Centers

    In support of a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary environment of research resource centers known as the Wilmer Core

    A sample of cell matter observed on microscope
  • Cornea, Cataract & External Disease

    Aimed at improving the diagnosis, management and treatment of corneal and external disease problems

    microscopic image of the eye's cornea
  • Dana Center for Preventive Ophthalmology

    Focuses on national and international public health prevention of blinding eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, trachoma and glaucoma

    Dr. Sheila West in Africa with local residents
  • Disability Research

    Aims to improve the health of people with visual impairments and other types of disabilities

    Researchers observing with a microscope.
  • Microscopy at the Wilmer Eye Institute (MWEI)

    MWEI comprises facilities for confocal and transmission microscopy, as well as imaging of tissue cultures and frozen sections that contribute to research into ocular disorders and allied health problems for those who access its facilities.

    retinal ganglion cells image
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology

    Aims to advance the prevention and treatment of neuro-ophthalmic disorders through groundbreaking research.

    Microscopic image of optical nerve cells
  • Ocular Immunology

    Focused on the causes and treatments of ocular inflammatory diseases, including uveitis, intraocular inflammation, scleritis and iritis.

  • Oculoplastics

    Currently focused on structures around the eyes and their relation to ocular diseases and orbital trauma, as well as their treatments.

    A patient lies down with head covered for surgery
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology & Adult Stabismus

    Focuses on detection, management and treatment of pediatric and adult forms of strabismus and amblyopia.

    eye doctor performing fun optical test with child
  • Retina

    Includes projects and multiple labs engaged in groundbreaking discoveries aimed at transforming the study and treatment of retinal diseases.

    dr. mira sachdeva looks at computer with lab tech
  • Translational Tissue Engineering Center (TTEC)

    A joint venture of Wilmer and the Department of Biomedical Engineering to establish focus in research, education, and industrial development in regenerative medicine

    researcher in the lab with cell samples
  • Ultra Low Vision

    Focused on assessing and enhancing the functional visual abilities of individuals with ultra-low vision.

    older man recieving eye exam
  • Vision Rehabilitation

    Our research faculty are committed to discovering new and innovative ways to improving the lives of patients with low vision and to improving their vision rehabilitation outcomes.

    Normally sighted subject performing a phosphene mapping test under simulated conditions presented in an HTC VIVE Headset.
  • Multisensory Research

    The Multisensory Research lab translates sensory science into innovative rehabilitation solutions for people with multiple sensory impairments.

    An experimenter is following a patient as they navigate the hospital and point to objects

Support Wilmer Research


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Over the Phone

Speak with someone about making a charitable gift to Wilmer. Please call 410-955-2020.


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