Express Radiology Research Lab

Large Animal Imaging

Established in the 1990s, the Express Radiology Research Laboratory performs advanced radiology training and critical large animal research. The lab enables Johns Hopkins researchers to evolve benchside research into clinical trials for industry practice and improved patient health care. This stage of research includes feasibility studies, iterative testing and advanced training, all of which can provide a basis for subsequent design of clinical trials that will improve individualized patient health care. The lab has a large animal minimally-invasive suite, a Philips Allura C-Arm, is fully staffed and has the equipment needed to perform large animal preclinical studies. The lab is growing and will be adding additional equipment and expertise in time. All animal studies are approved by the Johns Hopkins Animal Care and Use Committee, ensuring compliance with medical ethics.

Rebecca A. Krimins with the C-Arm. Rebecca A. Krimins with the C-Arm.

The Express Radiology Research Lab’s mission is to train, educate and conduct research, and it is uniquely qualified to perform advanced imaging studies. Team members are brought together to solve today’s medical mysteries by developing new imaging techniques, improving medical devices and communicating information with stunning clarity.

The Express Radiology Research Lab provides a training ground not only for radiologists but also for collaborations between engineers, physicists, doctorate holders, physicians, industry and other faculty specialists interested in perfecting advanced imaging techniques, in order that specialists can develop technology ultimately used to offer progressive personalized care for patients

Contact Information

express lab scanner C-Arm machine

For more information, please contact:

Express Radiology Research Lab
720 Rutland Ave
Ross Building 315
Baltimore, MD 21205

Telephone: 410-614-0105
Fax: 410-614-1977
Email: [email protected]


Rebecca A. Krimins, DVM, MS
[email protected]