Meet Our Radiology Residents

 The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science places a strong emphasis on education and mentoring at every level. 

The department offers four types of residency programs:

Our Chief Residents

Andrew Simmerman, MD
Hometown: Lafayette, IN
Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis
Future Specialty: Musculoskeletal Radiology

What are you most looking forward to while being the chief resident?

Increased interactions with early-year residents as well as a chance to participate in discussions with program and department leadership.
Tell us something we don't know about you.
I spent my whole life thinking I wasn't a morning person... but since having children, I have gotten used to waking up very early and now the early morning is one of my favorite parts of the day! Also, I was a dueling pianist (i.e. "piano man") for a couple years between college and medical school.
Naveen Ghuman, MD

Hometown: Severn, MD
College: Howard University
Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine
Future Specialty: Breast Imaging

What are you most looking forward to while being the chief resident?

I am most looking forward to advocating for my fellow residents and helping make residency a great experience for them!

Tell us something we don't know about you.

I played soccer for 12 years.

Naveen Ghuman 1
Tej Mehta, MD

Hometown: Madison, WI
Medical School: University of South Dakota
Future Specialty: Interventional Radiology

What are you most looking forward to while being the chief resident?

Vacation. But seriously, it's an honor to be able to represent the residency as a chief resident. I most look forward to continuing to work with the residents and faculty to keep the program active, competitive and at the forefront of radiology education.

Tell us something we don't know about you.
I can play piano, though probably not as well as Andrew.

Tej Mehta
Abdullah Al-Zaghal, MD

Hometown: Irbid, Jordan
Medical School: Molecular/Oncologic Imaging
Future Specialty: Molecular/Oncologic Imaging

What are you most looking forward to while being the chief resident?

Assure residents have the best possible experience while rotating at the Nuc Med division. Attract more of our bright minded residents to specialize in the flourishing field of Molecular Imaging.

Tell us something we don't know about you.

On my first trip ever to the US in 2014; while still a medical student, I assisted an anesthesiologist & flight crew with an emergent delivery over the Atlantic.

Abdullah Al-Zaghal

Class of 2025

"Paul" Won Kyu Choi
Hometown: Daegu, South Korea
College: Johns Hopkins University Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun?

Cooking, Basketball, Biking, Playing League of Legends and immediately regretting, Guitar

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

The people. There was no doubt that Hopkins offers an incredible educational experience from curriculum and research standpoint, but I figured that the process will also be fun and enjoyable with the team we have here. With every interaction I had with the residents and the faculty while I was a medical student here made me feel supported and appreciated.

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Food. As a big foodie, having such an eclectic mix of cuisine and having access to Ellicott City has kept me content for many years. I usually have trouble deciding on a weekly basis which craving I will satisfy, because I have too many favorites in and around the town. Not to mention, restaurants here are much more affordable compared to those in other major cities.
Susan Dhamala
Hometown: Oakton, Virginia
College: University of Virginia
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun?

Hiking, gardening, exploring Baltimore, watching horror movies

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

I chose Johns Hopkins radiology because there was no question that I would get exceptional training here. But perhaps more importantly, the friendliness of the residents and faculty members I met on my interview day really stood out to me. I especially appreciate how the strong academic culture at Hopkins is balanced by a very supportive and collegial atmosphere. I look forward to the next few years of training!

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore and why?

There are so many great neighborhoods in Baltimore, each with a distinct personality and experience. I’ve really enjoyed living in Hampden. I can walk to lots of restaurants, cafes, ice cream shops and quirky boutiques. I also love the proximity to trails in Wyman Park and Druid Hill Park. Hampden also hosts some interesting festivals — look up HonFest, toilet bowl racing and Miracle on 34th Street.

Evan Fox
Hometown: Burlington, New Jersey
College: Rutgers University
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun?

Jazz saxophone, running and watching classic movies

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

On my interview day, I was struck by how down to earth and welcoming the residents were at such a prestigious institution. Hopkins offers an unparalleled diversity of pathology that is essential for radiology training, yet it was the people that left the greatest impression on me. The residents and faculty truly value one another, and it’s those relationships that make me happy to come to “work” every day.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure?

I love playing chess and table tennis. The more inconsequential the game, the more committed I am to victory.

Naveen Ghuman
Hometown: Severn, Maryland
College: Howard University
Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine
What do you like to do for fun?

Baking, hiking, running

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

I chose Hopkins radiology because of its exceptional reputation in training world class radiologists. There is an abundance of opportunities here, and the faculty members are so supportive. Everyone is warm, welcoming and encouraging, and I feel as though the residents are genuinely cared about.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident?

My quality of life as a radiology resident at Hopkins is excellent. We work regular hours and have most nights and weekends off. There is plenty of time to spend with family and friends, and the work-life balance is great.

Matt Hoyer
Hometown: Northbrook, IL
College: University of Wisconsin–Madison
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun?

Hobbies include travel, photography, and sports—particularly golf, football, and basketball.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? It has everything! The brightest and friendliest faculty and staff, incredible clinical training, endless research opportunities, and a tight-knit family of coresidents. Many programs have some of these things, but Hopkins was the only one where I interviewed that had them all. Having been a medical student here, I knew firsthand how happy the residents were in this program, and I couldn't be happier to join them.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

Free food! Entering medical school, I thought I would be a surgeon. But when an email for an information session about interventional radiology advertised free food, I knew I had to check it out. I could tell immediately how much the faculty loved what they did, and I found myself drawn in by their passion for solving complex problems through radiology. I started shadowing, got involved in research, and before long, I was submitting my residency application. Sometimes it pays to follow your gut.
Mick McColl
Hometown: Tampa, Florida
College: Emory University
Medical School: The Johns Hopkins University

What do you like to do for fun?

Ice hockey, options trading, music.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

After an interview season of seeing many different programs, I realized how special of a place Hopkins really is. There are ample opportunities to pursue virtually anything I am interested in here within radiology, medicine as a whole and beyond. However, this is balanced with the freedom to discover what I am most passionate about on my own time without pressure to dive in. Although opportunity abounds, there is no associated expectation. Add a strong community vibe from the residents and an emphasis on wellness, and Hopkins really proves to be a special place.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore and why?

Locust Point is my new favorite part of Baltimore. When I was here for medical school, I didn’t explore much of the city outside of Federal Hill, Fell’s Point and Canton. When I was coming back for residency, I was looking for a new place to try out. Spending the vast majority of my life in the suburbs, I was hoping for something similar. Locust Point is a great community that is a bit quieter than the rest of the city. It provides a more suburban vibe while still definitely being in Baltimore City, and only 20 minutes from the hospital. I still get the benefits of living in the city like having lots of restaurants, coffee shops and a brewery within walking distance, but I also have some parks — including a national monumnent and park, Fort McHenry — and open space. It’s a great middle ground and perfect if you’re bringing a dog!

Andrew Simmerman
Hometown: Lafayette, Indiana
College: Indiana University
Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis

What do you like to do for fun?

Almost any sport — if it has a ball and a score, I’m your huckleberry. Music. Craft coffee and beer.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

Of the top radiology programs, it was the most family friendly, considering cost of living, schedule flexibility, call schedule, etc.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I fell in love during my surgical rotation when an amazing abdominal radiologist at Wash. U. led the hepatobiliary oncology multidisciplinary case conference and completely re-shaped the way other specialties were approaching a number of challenging cancer patients.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore and why?

For day to day living with my family, Rodgers Forge —– it’s social but still quiet and separate from the hustle and bustle of the city. There’s no traffic, you’re in a college town — walking distance from Towson University for football and basketball tailgating, if that’s your thing — and there are parks and playgrounds everywhere.

For eating, in and around Hampden is loaded with interesting restaurants. Afghan, Central American and Southeast Asian places do a great job.

For a fun day out, downtown is so accessible that it almost functions as one neighborhood! Canton, Harbor East, Fell’s and Fed Hill all have easy access to food, drinks and activities like open air markets, the aquarium, and assorted museums and exhibits. Plus, they’re all connected by the waterfront promenade, which is lovely.

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

Wearing scrubs to work!!

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

Autonomy. If you want someone to hold your hand, Hopkins may not be your best fit. But if you want to see tons of cases and take the initiative to ask questions when you have them, you’ll love it here!
Matthew Wilson
Hometown: Newbery, New Hampshire
College: Colby College
Medical School: Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

What do you like to do for fun?

In his free time, Matt enjoys jogging, tennis, playing piano, cooking and tending to his fussy houseplants.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

Matt chose the Johns Hopkins radiology residency program because of his fantastic interview experience, the positive testimonials he received from program graduates and the overall culture of Johns Hopkins radiology. The program’s residents, faculty members and administrators are kind and down to earth despite being world renowned for excellence. Also, Baltimore’s low cost of living, and its proximity to major East Coast cities where most of Matt’s family members and friends live, were enticing factors in his decision.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

Matt had a hard time choosing his medical specialty, mainly because he loved aspects of all of his medical school rotations. Radiology was an exciting way to keep relevant much of what he learned throughout medical school — encompassing anatomy, pathology and physiology — and to rediscover medicine from an exciting new context, all while allowing him ample opportunity to interact with clinical experts from all subfields of medicine.


Class of 2026

Norman Atagu
Hometown: Lagos Nigeria; Toronto, Canada
College: University of Toronto
Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis

Norman grew up in Nigeria later moving to Canada. He enjoys playing the drums, bass guitar and basketball.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins Radiology program?

During my interview, I was immediately attracted to how friendly and down to earth all the residents and faculty I met were. The programs emphasis on preserving opportunities for resident’s autonomy was something I felt would complement my learning style and help me become the best radiologist I can be.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I was a radiologic technologist prior to medical school and really enjoyed radiographic anatomy and pathology. My desire to get more involved with image interpretation and image guided procedures led me to pursue radiology as my medical specialty.
Jeffery Elsner
Hometown: San Diego, California
College: Washington University in St. Louis
Medical School: Johns Hopkins

Jeffery is from California. He is great at custom building gamin PC’s on a regular basis. He has played thousands of hours of Dota 2 with his little brother back home. He is big on movie theaters especially The Charles in Mount Vernon for independent films. He loves the amazing food and breweries around Baltimore.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

I was here for medical school, so I already knew how much I enjoyed Baltimore and the Hopkins culture. The radiology residents I got to know here were extremely happy and encouraging about their program, and the high volume of rare and complex cases at JHH will provide top notch training.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

During the covid shutdown in my medical school years, the radiology department offered a Zoom elective full of didactics and example cases. I enjoy learning and differential reasoning and I quickly became clear radiology would be a great fit. The excellent quality of life for resident’s and practicing radiologists didn’t hurt.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore?

I really enjoyed living in Mt Vernon, but I think the winner is Canton where I live now. It has the perfect mix of family housing, unique restaurants (shout out to my favorite Dangerously Delicious Pies) and bars. It is a quick walk or scooter ride away from the rest of Fell’s Point and the waterfront.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

The residents here immediately make you feel part of a family and provide endless guidance. For example, maintaining a RadWiki that outlines exactly what to expect day to day for every rotation, providing the best study resources for each subject, and leading small group sessions at the workstations with us in our first weeks. This kind of support is invaluable for junior radiology trainees.

What do you love most about Baltimore?

The cost of living here is so much better than most big cities, that we were able to buy our first house! The small family owned restaurant and craft brewing scenes are also very strong here.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

Quality of life is excellent! Call is infrequent and the typical day ends at 5pm. You can balance training at the hospital, a little reading at home and all your side interest and hobbies with plenty of time left over for R&R.
Ezana Lulseged
Hometown: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
College: Georgia State University

Medical School: Howard University College of Medicine
Ezana is a huge sports fan. Playoffs are the best times of the year. It could be soccer basketball or football Ezana is interested in them all. He loves to try various traditional restaurants. You can also find Ezana relaxing watching comedy sitcoms like the Office and Friends.

Sarah Oberhelman
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
College: MIT
Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine

Sarah grew up in New Orleans, LA and attended MIT before pursuing her medical degree at Tulane University. She likes to play volleyball, go for a run and spend time with her partner and their pup, Libby. She also enjoys watching way too much Netflix.

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?

Hopkins stood out due to its academic reputation, happy residents’ and commitment to diversity in a city similar to home in New Orleans. I feel confident that I’ll enjoy my time in residency surrounded by interesting and supportive co-residents and that I’ll graduate with the knowledge to pursue any career I choose within the field.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I initially matched to a dermatology program, however during my intern year I realized that dermatology was not the best fit for me. I was able to extend my intern year into a full internal medicine residency and considered practicing internal medicine, but again I wasn’t passionate about it. I decided to learn more about radiology and loved the breadth of pathology, the “problem-solving” nature, and the mix of procedures.
Matthew Onimus
Hometown: Drexel Hill, PA
College: University of Pittsburgh
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine

Matthew grew up in Drexel Hill, PA where he later attended Drexel University College of Medicine and met his finance. Matthew and his fiancé couples matched and she is also working at Hopkins. He loves spending time with his fiancé exploring Baltimore, hanging out at Patterson Park, and going to various bars and restaurants. He enjoys movies, reading sci-fi, playing the piano and recently picked up skeet shooting.

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?

It had everything I was looking for in a program- world class training, diverse and complex pathology, and to earth residents and faculty. I appreciate how Hopkins provides a plethora of opportunities and gives residents the freedom to explore their interests and pursue what they’re most passionate about. Baltimore is a great city and just a short drive away from family. We feel greatly supported and are very excited to begin our careers here at Hopkins!
Kendrah Osei
Hometown: Silver Spring, MD
College: University of Maryland
Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Kendrah grew up and attended college in Maryland. She loves to travel with her favorite part being the food. She enjoys reading cooking and spending time with family and friends. Kendrah is the ever hopeless romantic. She loves binging romantic comedies; from animes to Netflix releases, K-dramas and more. She’s not sure when or how she came across them, but they do have her heart and she is hooked.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

If I were to keep it succinct, curiosity. Our life experiences shape us and as a kid I was fascinated with imaging, whether from my own trips to the doctors or my friends and family. That curiosity eventually blossomed into a passion and I was able to marry it with my interests in medicine.

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Probably the food. I’m still in my infancy as far as exploring Baltimore. But from the chances I’ve had so far, I’ve been very pleased. The city offers unique flavors from new restaurants that always seem to be popping up and at the same time pays equal homage to the establishments that are staples in the community. Whether it’s Ekiben by the Inner Harbor or Chaps by Pulaski Highway, there’s always a long line out the door and for good reason.
Max Wrobbel
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
College: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Max grew up and attended both college and medical school in Wisconsin. He loves to cheer on the Wisconsin sports teams. Max is an amateur chef who has a tendency of accidently burning the side dishes. He likes to watch the stock market and live vicariously through WSB.

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?

Many programs will talk the talk but only few will actually walk the walk. After interviews, I felt that Hopkins had everything I was looking for in a program. I felt that the clinical training here would allow me to be comfortable in any job. There are endless opportunities in research, innovations, education policy, etc. Quality of life is second to none and the people here are phenomenal.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

Radiology is the coolest job in medicine. The technology is fascinating and always advancing, critical thinking is essential and you are continually challenged. You will have the opportunity to see things that you have never seen before every day for the rest of your career.

What do you love most about Johns Hopkins Radiology?

Dedicated free time during the lunch hour. After skipping many meals during internship, I am grateful to have time in the middle of the day to grab a bite, relax, and recharge for the rest of the day.

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

Ride a scooter to work. Literally, a scooter! Please stay safe a wear a helmet.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore?

Baltimore has a multitude of different neighborhoods each with their own unique personality. No matter what you are looking for you will be able to find a place that matches your life style. My wife and I wanted everything close by and so we decided to rent in fells point. We love being able to walk to the hospital, a variety of bars/cafes/restaurants, Patterson Park, and the waterfront all within 10-25 minutes.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

Life is good! Although I am new to the program, the quality of life was a major selling point. Many of the residents here find the time to have children, explore hobbies, and pursue their interests outside of medicine. The city is relatively affordable for being a large city on the east coast and the opportunity to moonlight gives us an added boost. Lastly, the vacation policy gives plenty of time to rest and relax and there is a large emphasis on wellness and resident camaraderie.

Class of 2027

Daniel Belkin

Hometown: Rockville, MD
College: New York University
Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
What do you like to do for fun? Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Podcasting, Painting, Movies

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? Unparalleled access to research, incredible pathology, amazing colleagues, and my parents/siblings live nearby.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I love imaging and technology. I used to work in the film industry as a videographer and video editor, long before I knew anything about MRI. Since switching to a career in medicine, I naturally was drawn (again) toward the process of creating and interpreting images. Radiology is the most exciting field in the world of medicine. Radiologists are specialists in diagnosis, and are experts in pathophysiology. I also just really like hanging out with other radiologists.

What do you love most about Baltimore? Historic buildings, scenic streets, surprisingly good food, close to nature, not too crowded, and family lives nearby.


Rachel Drummey

Hometown: Bradenton, FL
College: Florida State University
Medical School: University of Central Florida
What do you like to do for fun? Hanging out with my husband and dog, Barnacle. Trying new restaurants. Walking my dog around our neighborhood lake. Being active and exploring the local parks. Drinking good coffee. Baking. 

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I loved that Hopkins would allow me to stay close to my family while providing me with top notch training. During my interview day, I was overwhelmed by how welcoming, relatable, and down to earth both faculty and current residents were. It is a place that provides phenomenal training while also providing support for your to thrive both inside and outside of the hospital. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I liked every rotation as a medical student, and I noticed we would discuss cases with radiology frequently before making clinical decisions. I was drawn to the ability to make diagnoses and collaborate with colleagues in all specialties. I also enjoy the flexibility and ability to maintain patient interaction through procedures that is possible in radiology. 

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else? Receive world class training with the kindest humans. 

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? Getting a Starbucks coffee every afternoon I'm at the hospital. 

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? Cliché, but the people!


Jonathan Feng

Hometown: Brookfield, WI
College: Oregon State University
Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin
What do you like to do for fun? Fishing is one of my favorite hobbies. During medical school especially, I found the peacefulness of fishing to be a great way to relax after a long stretch of working in the hospital. The Wisconsin lakes were great for fishing, and I'm looking forward to exploring Maryland's waters as well! Besides that, I also love being outdoors by doing things like running, hiking, or camping. 

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I chose Johns Hopkins because I wanted to become a radiologist that incorporates quality patient care, camaraderie, and cutting-edge technology into their practice. In a high-volume hospital system like Johns Hopkins, radiologists have the unique opportunity to see rare, complicated pathology and change the trajectory of patient care by identifying subtle findings and providing guidance to clinicians. As a relatively social person, I value building friendships both inside and outside the hospital, and Johns Hopkins allows me to do this through its positive culture and excellent work-life balance. Lastly, in a field as rapidly advancing as radiology, it's important to be familiar with the latest technology. Through its state-of-the-art facilities and amazing faculty, Hopkins trains its residents to be comfortable with the newest innovations in radiology.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? Due to my background in engineering and appreciation of human anatomy during 1st year of medical school, I considered radiology early on. However, it wasn't until the end of my third-year rotations that I fully committed to the specialty. During my rotations, I discovered that I enjoyed interfacing with multiple different specialties and finding ways to ease the workload of my colleagues. Nearly every specialty in medicine orders some sort of imaging study and subsequently has to discuss their findings with radiologists. Because of this, radiologists get the chance to provide answers and help clinicians make decisions that drastically alter a patient's management. These reasons, along with my fascination of technology and anatomy, made radiology the perfect choice of specialty. 

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? When I have time on a day off, I enjoy putting in the effort to make the perfect breakfast sandwich at home... but I also have a soft spot for a McDonald's egg McMuffin. 

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? Quality of life is excellent. With five weeks of vacation and a supportive cohort of residents, I feel that the program makes a tremendous effort to take care of its own. 


Julia Fisher

Hometown: Westfield, NJ
College: Colgate University
Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine
What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy reading, playing tennis, and crocheting keepsakes for friends and family. My fiancé and I also love to try new recipes and spend time outdoors.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I chose Johns Hopkins Radiology due to its exceptional reputation, abundant case volume with diverse pathology, and independent call. Yet, what truly amazed me was the program's supportive culture and the close-knit bond among the residents.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? My fascination with Radiology started early on during medical school with its introduction during Anatomy lab. As I progressed through clinical rotations, I became intrigued with the impact Radiology had on patients’ lives and its ability to answer complex questions. 

What do you love most about Baltimore? My fiancé and I love living in Fells Point. We enjoy walking along the harbor and exploring nearby restaurants. 


Judy Fustok

Hometown: New Orleans
College: Tulane University
Medical School: Tulane Medical School
What do you like to do for fun? Travel, Hiking, Electronic Shows

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? It has excellent diagnostic and interventional radiology training, with such kind and welcoming faculty and residents. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I love anatomy and procedure, and have a lot of fun looking at scans. I love studying/learning. Radiology is just the right balance of interacting with patients, interacting with other staff, working with your hands.

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else? I don't think I would be able to get the procedural experience residents get here anywhere else. 

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? Binge-watching series like the Witcher, GOT, Umbrella Academy, Marvelous Mrs. Masel 

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? The people! Everyone is brilliant yet humble. 

What do you love most about Baltimore? Has all the amenities of a big city, without being overwhelming. It is really cute with a lot of charm and good food. It is also easy to travel to other major cities by virtue of being in the northeast. 

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins? Excellent work-life balance, the residency genuinely cares about our well-being. I am able to learn a lot, and still do the things that are important to me. 


Kaitlin Monroig

Hometown: Saint James, NY
College: Binghamton University
Medical School: Stony Brook University School of Medicine

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I chose Hopkins because it is world-class training with exposure to complex and diverse pathology, but I was sold by how welcoming and down to earth everyone was on interview day. It is an academically challenging, but supportive environment with protected time to pursue your interests.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I really enjoyed most of my clerkship rotations, but had difficulty picturing what fit best. I found radiology during fourth year on elective and I am so happy I did. I love how it combines the anatomy with a variety of pathology, the need for critical thinking and problem-solving, and the lifelong opportunity to see something new every day.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? Ice cream from Bmore Licks!


Jacob Schick

Hometown: Lancaster PA
College: Johns Hopkins University
Medical School: Penn State College of Medicine
What do you like to do for fun? In my free time I enjoy traveling, playing soccer, trying new restaurants, reading, and weightlifting.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? Hopkins radiology offers an incredible breadth of clinical pathology, independent call, cutting edge research, and passionate residents and faculty. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? Imaging is at the core of modern medicine. As a radiologist, you engage with fascinating new technology and use a broad knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology to diagnose diseases from all different medical specialties.


Shuchi Zinzuwadia 

Hometown: Bedminster, NJ
College: Boston University College of Engineering
Medical School: Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy baking, dancing, working out, trying new restaurants and gem diamond painting.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? The people - as cliché as it may sound, it is undeniably true. During my interview day, I felt a genuine connection with the faculty and residents. They stood out as some of the kindest individuals I encountered on the interview trail, and I believed that this program would foster an environment where I could truly thrive. I sought to train at a program renowned for its high volume of complex cases, independent call responsibilities, and a supportive atmosphere. Regardless of the institution you choose for radiology residency, the learning curve will be steep. However, the Johns Hopkins program distinguishes itself by providing robust resources like Casestacks, e-anatomy, MRI online, and RadPrimer early in the first year (R1) to ensure a solid foundation from the start. Moreover, the program's leadership actively encourages feedback and consistently strives to enhance the residency experience.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? During my medical school journey, I was fortunate to participate in a radiology vertical curriculum that immersed me in the field from the outset of my first year. As a biomedical engineer, my innate passion for physics, devices, and technology seamlessly merged with my deep fascination for radiology. Engaging in clinical rotations further solidified my affinity for the specialty, as I found myself repeatedly delving into imaging studies to unravel the underlying causes of patients' hospital admissions. What truly captivates me about radiology is its ability to interconnect with various medical subspecialties. By examining diagnostic images, I am able to collaborate with colleagues from different domains, forming a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition. The dynamic nature of radiology ensures that no day is mundane or repetitive; there is always something new to learn and explore.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? My guilty pleasure is Oreos or anything Cookies n’ Cream. Even on the toughest days, an Oreo will get me to smile ear to ear. 

What do you love most about Baltimore? I love living in the harbor east area. The harbor is beautiful. It’s the perfect place to watch sunrises and sunsets. I love exploring the different neighborhoods in the area such as Fell’s point, Inner Harbor and Canton.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins? My quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins is excellent! One of the key aspects that sets this program apart is its unwavering commitment to resident well-being. I have the luxury of enjoying evenings and weekends, whether it's traveling, spending time with my family in New Jersey, or simply spending time with my co-residents outside the reading room. The program places a strong emphasis on fostering a culture of wellness, and they truly practice what they preach. Every day, residents are granted a dedicated lunch hour from 12 pm to 1 pm. During this time, we gather in the radiology resident lounge, where we not only can enjoy our lunch together but also to socialize and build camaraderie. 

Shuchi Zinzuwadia 1

Class of 2028

Veronica Betancur

Hometown: Pembroke Pines, FL
College: University of Miami
Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun? In my downtime, I love reading, watching TV, and crafting. I also love to explore and find new food spots with my fiancé. We also just adopted a kitten as a sibling for our needy doodle so our new favorite pastime is watching them create cute chaos.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? There were so many aspects of radiology that I knew would be a good fit for me and that were confirmed whenever I shadowed in the reading room in med school. I learn best when I can visualize the pathophysiology and radiology provided a really cool way of tying these processes together in a way I can physically see. It's also such an integral part of the hospital throughout all specialties and can really make or break diagnoses and management. Lastly, I absolutely love the energy of the reading room, it's collegial and fun in a way that even when you're looking at a case alone, you always feel like you have a team.  

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? Hopkins inherently provides learning opportunities that are rare to find elsewhere, but what surprised me the most was how everyone in the residency and department seemed so down-to-earth and kind. There was an emphasis on not just academic, but personal growth that really resonated with me. I felt like I wouldn't just be part of a residency, but that I could actually belong there.

What do you love most about Baltimore? I love that Baltimore is weird! I knew very little about it for most of my life, but I keep learning about quirky aspects of the city and community that make it so fun. The first time I saw Mr. Trash Wheel in person, it felt like I was meeting a local celebrity and I was truly starstruck.



Catherine Bienert

Hometown: Freeland, MD
College: Virginia Tech
Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine 

What do you like to do for fun? Trail running with my dogs, pickle ball, escape rooms, jigsaw puzzles, and playing Minecraft. 

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I knew the opportunity to train here would challenge me to become the best radiologist possible – with its high volume of clinical cases, diverse pathology, autonomy during on-call shifts, access to the latest technology, and cutting-edge research.  What truly convinced me however, was how passionate, down-to-earth, and genuinely happy all the residents and faculty were. This additional emphasis on a supportive environment and resident wellness was the cherry on top!

How did you decide to pursue radiology? Radiology is the best combination of pure medicine, procedures, patient interaction, and socialization with colleagues. I cannot imagine a more fulfilling career than solving clinical puzzles and providing compassionate patient care through a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. 

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else? You can explore your passion, no matter how niche! Before medical school, I wanted to be a veterinarian as I am a huge animal lover. At Hopkins, I can train as a radiologist and satisfy my original desire for helping animals. Many do not know that there are veterinarians here working alongside physicians to develop novel diagnostics and treatments for both species. This is just one example of Hopkin’s unique interdisciplinary environment, and its wealth of knowledge and resources that it offers residents.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? The people, of course!

What do you love most about Baltimore? Baltimore has so much character – you have waterfront charm, cultural diversity, eclectic arts scene, rich history, sports fans, fun and unique neighborhoods, and great seafood!! 

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins? Extremely rewarding. The curriculum is rigorous but the faculty and co-residents support you and make your work days fun. Outside of the hospital, I have been able to maintain a great work-life balance. 


James Clark

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
College: Chapman University
Medical School: Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

What do you like to do for fun? I like traveling, camping, hiking, exercising, and spending time with family and friends.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I chose Johns Hopkins Radiology because I wanted to get the best training possible. It had everything I wanted including independent call, a wide range of pathologies, high volume of cases, strong research, and amazing faculty to learn from and work with. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? During medical school I liked imaging and doing procedures. Radiology was the perfect fit. It’s a field where you can help so many patients and clinicians through your interpretations of studies. You can be involved in direct patient care with procedures or spend the day at a reading station. You are an expert in anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the entire human body. The variety of work and breadth of knowledge make radiology awesome!

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? The people are what I love the most about the program. I could even tell from virtual interviews that the attendings, staff, and residents here are incredibly smart, humble, sociable, and supportive. Everyone here wants to help you succeed. 

What do you love most about Baltimore? Baltimore is called Charm City for a reason. There are always events and concerts going on. The food scene is incredible with numerous restaurants to try. The bay is beautiful and there are also plenty of outdoor parks and trails nearby. Baltimore has all the perks of a big city with a small-town feel. 

James Clark

Pramodh Ganapathy

Hometown: Augusta, GA
College: Duke University
Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I was first interested in Johns Hopkins because it has a great reputation for radiology training and because it is close to family, but I was convinced by the interview. Even though it was virtual, I felt that the residents and attendings who I spoke with truly enjoyed the program and felt at home. I had a lot of fun talking with them about not just academics but also about TV shows I liked or about travel, which made me feel that the program would be a good fit for me and would not only allow me to grow as a radiologist but as a person as well.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? After college, I found myself working in an orthopedic research lab, and all the projects I was working on were based in MRI imaging or biplanar fluoroscopy. I enjoyed looking through the images, but I didn't really start considering radiology until I did a couple of rotations in medical school. I thought that the residents and attendings were very approachable and had such a vast knowledge of medicine, which I found inspiring. I was also amazed that they were able to see such a detailed story of a patient in a single image or scan, and I decided I wanted to be able to learn that skill as well.

What do you love most about Baltimore? I've never lived in a very big city, and I think Baltimore is a great combination of small and manageable size with a high concentration of things to do. I particularly like going out to eat in Baltimore—it feels like every place I try is better than the last and by the time I try a place I've already added three more to my list. It's also really nice to be by the water and have so many fun places like DC, NYC, and Philadelphia so accessible. And, the airport is extremely convenient!


Shefali Jain

Hometown: Peachtree Corners, GA
College: Georgia Institute of Technology
Medical School: Medical College of Georgia

What do you like to do for fun? Reading, exploring new restaurants/bars, painting/crafting, going on walks along the harbor

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? Of all the programs I interviewed at, Johns Hopkins stood out to me the most on my interview day! The program offers class training and innumerable opportunities for career development, while also having a strong priority for resident wellness and work-life balance, which is an incredible combination! I greatly enjoyed talking to the residents and faculty I met during my interview day and felt that everyone was so kind, interesting, and down to earth! I knew that these were the people I wanted to train alongside with during residency and have as lifelong friends and colleagues.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I came out of my third year rotations undecided about a specialty and decided to do a radiology rotation early in my 4th year, which truly opened my eyes to what radiology has to offer! I love the vast variety of pathology that radiologists see in any given day, as well as the collaboration both within the reading room and across specialties. I could also see that radiologists, while they might not always have direct patient involvement, are still unique and powerful patient advocates. Often, we are the ones to make critical diagnoses that end up shaping the course of a patient's care!

What do you love most about Baltimore? So many things! I love living in Fells Point and being in walking distance of so many great restaurants/bars/cool neighborhoods/things to do. It’s been so fun exploring various food places and bars! I also love where Baltimore is situated geographically- we are not too far from DC, Philly, NYC, and other Northeastern cities and they're all accessible by train! Coming from Atlanta, that's a foreign concept to me but I’m excited to explore the Northeast!


Selin Ocal

Hometown: Cliffside Park, NJ
College: Duke University
Medical School: NYU Long Island School of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun? Walk around Patterson Park with my dog Banjo, play the guitar/piano, try the new seasonal snacks at Trader Joes, critique Spotify playlists

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? It was a no-brainer: from my interview day, I could tell that residents were challenged and prepared while also being incredibly happy. The long list of renowned faculty and breadth of research opportunities are also amazing resources to have as a resident. I was attracted to the case volume as well as diversity in patient population and pathology.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? In short, I realized I wanted to keep playing iSpy and solve puzzles for the rest of my career. There are a lot of really cool fields in medicine, but I always gravitated back towards anatomy and imaging!

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else? At Hopkins, I am learning directly from the biggest leaders in radiology. The diversity of patients, case load, and culture are also unmatched. 

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? I am a radiology resident by day, and an ice cream critic by night. You can probably find me after-hours with a sugar cone and melting ice cream in-hand; happy to show anyone my local ratings

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? My co-residents who already feel like family after such a short time! (Also the amazing free coffee and snacks in our resident lounge thanks to our awesome residency coordinators)

What do you love most about Baltimore? I love being right by the water—there is nothing I enjoy more than walking along the gorgeous harbor, watching the sunset and ships pass by whenever I can. The food is amazing, and the people (neighbors, co-workers, patients alike) are incredibly kind and welcoming. 

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins? I feel so fulfilled by my growth as a radiologist while also being able to have the flexibility and time to enjoy Baltimore. I feel excited everyday to keep learning, with ample time to spend with my friends and family, which was so important to me when picking a program that matched my needs.


Joseph Ortolani

Hometown: Buffalo, NY
College: University of Richmond
Medical School: University at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

What do you like to do for fun? I really enjoy playing tennis and pickleball, as well as going for runs after work and when I am free on the weekends...which fortunately as an R1, is the vast majority of the time.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? During medical school, I found that there were aspects of each field I thoroughly enjoyed, but there was not that one specialty I was fully passionate about pursuing as a career. Once I spent a few days in the reading room during my radiology rotation at the beginning of fourth year, I knew I had found my people! Everybody with whom I worked seemed genuinely happy and interested in sharing their love of radiology with me. While I find the subject matter quite intellectually stimulating, I also love that radiology uniquely touches every other area of medicine. Being able to potentially work from home is also a nice little perk!

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure? As a Buffalonian, I love all things Buffalo! During the fall and winter months, you can find me either emphatically enjoying Bills football or anxiously "hate-watching" Sabres hockey.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? I love the welcoming, collegial, and collaborative working environment! Everybody is willing to lend a helping hand, and there is truly no such thing as a dumb question. This program's ultimate goal is to produce "Go-To Radiologists," and based on my experience here so far, it is clear I have access to the tools and resources necessary to excel in any radiological field I choose.



Swathi Raman

Hometown: Glen Mills, PA 
College: University of Pennsylvania 
Medical School: Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? Took the radiology elective during my third year of medical school, really loved the diagnostic value that radiologists added to the clinical team and how radiology interacted with so many different specialties in the hospital (from medicine to surgery, pediatrics, OB/GYN, and more). Plus, really loved the vibes in the reading room - everyone was so friendly, took the time to teach and involve me, and were so relaxed to be around!

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? Hanging out outside with co-residents for our lunch break everyday! Aside from that, I also love the program's dedicated morning lectures and case-based practice which make everything so easily digestible and memorable. Even just a few weeks in, these lectures have helped so much in my day-to-day as an R1!

What do you love most about Baltimore? Big fan of exploring coffee shops, brunch spots, bars, breweries, and happy hours - all of which there's a ton of here! Love being able to walk right along the harbor in Fells Point... they weren't wrong about charm city!


Zachary Smith de la Cuesta

Hometown: Baltimore, MD
College: University of Maryland
Medical School: University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun? Baltimore Ravens and Orioles fan, podcasting, boating, skiing, craft beer and coffee.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? I chose Hopkins for the opportunity to train at a world-class institution while also being able to return home to my friends and family in Maryland. I felt that coming to Hopkins and being surrounded by such incredible people would allow me to become the best version of myself. Independent call, endless academic opportunity, and an amazing group of co-residents further separated the program. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? I became interested in radiology as an undergraduate during a research internship in radiation oncology. This was my first exposure to diagnostic and interventional radiology and I was hooked. I enjoyed all my other clinical experiences in medical school but remained set on radiology. I feel that the diagnosis is the most exciting part of medicine and radiology combines this passion with constantly evolving diagnostic technologies and image-guided therapies. I believe it is the most exciting field in medicine.

What do you love most about Baltimore? Growing up here, I am a passionate Baltimore sports fan. Being able to walk to Orioles/Ravens games is awesome! 

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins? Our quality of life is excellent. The department is truly invested in resident wellbeing and leadership goes out of their way to support residents in an individualized way. Work-life integration is a priority for the program.


Meet our Molecular Imaging Residents

Abdullah Al-Zaghal, Chief
Class of 2025
Hometown: Irbid, Jordan
Medical School: Jordan University of Science and Technology

What do you like to do for fun?

Abdullah enjoys traveling, hiking, roasting and brewing coffee. He has a guilty pleasure of eating middle eastern food.

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

Independently reading high volume of complex cases overnight. Hopkins is among the very few programs that still doesn’t have an in-house attending at night. This style of call has given me the autonomy I needed as a trainee, helped me develop my own reading style, and most importantly boosted my confidence in making critical decisions that can tailor or alter clinical management.
Abdullah Al-Zaghal
Reza Shaghaghi
Class of 2026
Hometown: Tehran, Iran
College: Tehran University

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?
It is the best radiology program in the nation, with many inspirational scientist and big names in the radiology world. It has a supportive and collegial environment. Maryland is one of the greenest states with a fascinating 4 season weather for outdoor recreation.

What do you like to do for fun?

Reza likes to be outdoors going for hikes or kayaking. He enjoys playing the guitar, swimming and trying new foods.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore?

Harbor East is a new and very beautiful neighborhood with many restaurants. There is a ton of variety and bars with great nightlife.
Andrew Voter
Class of 2027
Hometown: Rochester, NY
College: Bucknell University
Medical School: University of Wisconsin- Madison

Andrew’s hometown is Rochester, NY. He attended Bucknell University advancing on the University of Wisconsin- Madison for medical school. In his spare time, he loves to grill, and take his dog, Dizzy for walks. He loves trying out his new additions to his board game collection. Andrew enjoys watching the Great British Baking show. He even ends up trying the new recipes on weekend baking adventures.

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?

I choose Johns Hopkins Radiology for the fantastic combination of excellent clinical training with cutting edge research opportunities.
Fabio Raman

Class of 2028
Hometown: Birmingham, AL
College: University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
Medical School: University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

What do you like to do for fun? 

I love doing anything outdoors whether its hiking, skiing, or playing soccer. I also love trying new restaurants. Unfortunately the food in the South is not always the healthiest, so my wife signed me up for CrossFit in the year leading up to our wedding. I loved the team atmosphere and ended up sticking around.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins Radiology program?

The people at Hopkins are great. The faculty, residents, and fellows make this place special and feel like a family. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

After graduating from college, I spent time at the NIH working for a physician-scientist in radiology. I loved how there was so much potential for technological innovations in the field. I ended up pursuing an MD/PhD in the field and never looked back.

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

The complexity of cases we experience from the very beginning of residency is incredible. We read studies of unique pathologies that you would expect to only read about in textbooks. The faculty have an innate passion for teaching and truly care about the academic and personal growth of the residents.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure?

Taking our 20 month old son to the zoo or aquarium. I think I love going there more than him.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

the intellectually stimulating envirnmenont and infectious energy of the people around you 

What do you love most about Baltimore?


What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

I love being able to workout, spend quality time with my wife and son, and have weekends off to explore the city and surrounding area

Norman Beauchamp

Class of 2029

Hometown: Bellevue, WA
College: Michigan State University
Medical School: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

What do you like to do for fun? 

Maryland has a beautiful trail system that I have had a blast exploring with my family. My oldest daughter is currently obsessed with Frozen, and we’ve had fun reading lots of Frozen books. I also enjoy the sport of powerlifting and watch the pro series whenever I get a chance.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? 

I had the opportunity to do two rotations with the Johns Hopkins Department of Radiology during medical school, after which, I knew that it would be the best environment to learn radiology. The faculty were welcoming and excited to teach, the cases demonstrated a broad variety of unique pathology, and the residents were kind, inclusive, and felt like a family. Members of the department were inspired to provide the highest quality of care for their patients and in doing so, created an environment that brought the best out of everyone.

How did you decide to pursue radiology? 
I had the privilege to shadow numerous radiologists from an early point in my education. Almost immediately, I was drawn to radiology for the ability to help more patients than I felt I could elsewhere. On the other side of every image is a patient and through personal experience, I’ve been able to see what a difference a radiologist can make in the clinical course of a patient. I also appreciated that a radiologist could integrate into a variety of clinical teams and through expert image interpretation, help provide the highest quality of care for patients.

Meet our Nuclear Medicine Residents

One-year ACGME Accredited Training (Nuclear Radiology Training):

(Completed prior training in an ACGME-approved radiology residency)

Meisam Hoseinyazdi, M.D.
Meisam Hoseinyazdi, M.D.

Class of 2025

Moustafa Abou Areda

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
College: Cornell

Moustafa’s parents immigrated to the United States from Egypt. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and he attended Cornell University for undergraduate studies and Johns Hopkins for medical school. Moustafa is interested in pursuing a career in Interventional Radiology. For fun, he is a huge soccer fan and ardent supporter of Tottenham Hotspur. He also enjoys playing soccer and basketball, traveling and trying new foods.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

My decision to choose Hopkins radiology simple boils down to one thing: the people! Having gone to school here, I knew Hopkins checked all the requirements for what a great training program needs in terms of resources, case diversity and research opportunities. However, what ultimately solidified my decision to stay at Hopkins were the people and personalities I encountered in the radiology department. The faculty and residents were not just intellectual and hardworking, but humble and incredibly kind. I knew it was in this sort of an environment that I could become the best radiologist I could be. In other words, I realized that the residency here was more than just a training program, but a family!

David Gage

Hometown: Springville, Utah
College: Utah State University

David grew up in Springville, Utah. He attended Utah State University as an undergraduate, followed by the Ohio State University College of Medicine. His clinical interests include interventional radiology and medical innovation. He enjoys reading, hiking and spending time with his wife and three kids.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

Quality of life is great at Hopkins. I get world class training while still having time with my wife and kids.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I decided on radiology, and IR specifically, because it combined three of my main interests: taking care of patients, working with advanced technologies (imaging modalities, etc.) and innovation. In my opinion, there is no more exciting field in medicine.

David Gullotti

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
College: Loyola University

Dave grew up in Philadelphia and attended Loyola University Maryland to study physics and biology. Before medical school, he taught at his high school and worked in the engineering department at the University of Pennsylvania. He returned to Baltimore to attend the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he further pursued his passion for medical device development by completing a Master of Engineering at the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design. During that time, he developed products for advanced endoscopy and image-guided spine surgery, and he continues work on the latter for a Baltimore-based startup. He completed an internship in the general surgery department at Johns Hopkins, and he greatly values the interdisciplinary collaboration that exists across the university. For hobbies, he can typically be found in the carpentry workshop or surfing during hurricane season.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

The Hopkins environment is one where academic and professional opportunities are endless. We are incredibly fortunate to both work with and learn from world leaders across multiple disciplines that welcome collaboration. When this is coupled with the friendly personalities of residents and faculty alike, it creates a wonderfully unique place to work. Additionally, after living in Baltimore for over a decade, I have grown to call this city my home, and I continue to appreciate all that Maryland has to offer.

Class of 2026

Caleb Heiberger

Hometown: Hartford, South Dakota — Heiberger Farm
College: Dakota Wesleyan University
Medical School: University of South Dakota
What do you like to do for fun?

Mountain biking, running, traveling, reading

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

As Ned Leeds said in Spider-man, I wanna be the “guy in the chair.”

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

Everyone you meet is one of the brightest people you’ll have ever met, and yet they remain down to earth and friendly.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident?

In a state of shock at getting off at 5 regularly.


Tej Mehta

Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin
College: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Medical School: University of South Dakota

What do you like to do for fun?

I like to compete in endurance events and triathlons. I am also an avid rock climber. When I'm not pursuing fitness goals, I like to practice woodworking and mixology.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I was lucky enough to encounter a prior Johns Hopkins IR faculty member in South Dakota who introduced me to interventional radiology. I had no exposure to radiology prior to meeting him, but the moment I stepped in the IR suite I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I grew to enjoy DR thereafter as well. The ability to identify, diagnose and treat disease with minimally invasive methods coupled with technological innovations on the bleeding edge of medicine makes radiology the field for me!

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

The program is truly committed to the education of it's residents and the residents are committed to helping each other. The program is designed to train leaders in the field of radiology and everyone here is committed to making that goal a reality.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

The quality of life of everyone here is great! We are able to find a great balance between work and home life. Everyone is very supportive of each other and there is always something to do with your fellow residents!

Class of 2027

Carolina Lugo-Fagundo

Hometown: Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
College: Johns Hopkins University
Medical School: Ponce Health Sciences University

Carolina loves to take short weekend trips to different cities. She enjoys spending time with family and friends. Carolina likes to bake, cook, exercise, and watch TV series/movies.

What do you love most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

What I love most about Hopkins Radiology is that we are a family and take care of each other. We work hard but are constantly supported by the faculty and residents.


Kent Reichel

Hometown: Hampden, ME
College: University of Maine
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine

Kent is an amateur meat smoker, fair weather fisherman and father of two Labrador retrievers. He is a double bogey- golfer. He loves how cheap the tickets are here in Baltimore to watch the Red Sox’s play.

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins Radiology?

He chose the Johns Hopkins Radiology Program because of the robust diagnostic/interventional training, high volume of complex and diverse cases. He also loves the community and camaraderie of the residents and attendings.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

Throughout medical school I reflexively found myself jumping to my patient’s imaging studies first in search of an explanation as to why they have come to the hospital. I could visualize the findings of their H&P on an X-ray or CT revealing a unifying diagnosis for the history and exam I had elicited. For me, radiology always seemed to hold the answers and I craved the knowledge to interpret these studies.

Tae Kyung Kim

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
College: Dartmouth College
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Tae Kyung (Tony) loves checking out restaurants in the DMV area, creating content for TikTok. He enjoys cooking Korean and Italian food, working out, attending concerts and traveling.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

Ever since I was a medical student, every single attending and resident I’ve encountered welcomed me into the department and made me feel at home. Hopkins IR residency truly has it all- a fostering environment with kind mentors and colleagues where everyone wants you to succeed, unparalleled diagnostic and interventional training and ample research opportunities.

What is your favorite neighborhood in Baltimore?

Harbor East is my favorite with some of the best restaurants in Baltimore, access to the boardwalk that outlines the entire Baltimore Harbor and shopping. Also, you can probably find me in Ellicott City (20 min drive from Baltimore) on weekends eating at my favorite Korean food spots or grocery shopping at Hmart.

Alec Jost

Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina
College: College of Charleston
Medical School: Wake Forest School of Medicine

Alec grew up in North Carolina. He loves any excuse to spend time in nature including backpacking, fly fishing, and hiking. He is a lifelong musician (mostly string instruments) and a hobby auto mechanic with a particular interest in old BMW’s.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

The quality of training on both the interventional and diagnostic sides goes without saying, as does the research infrastructure. The people I encountered, however, are what truly made me want to join the team at Hopkins. My first time meeting the residents felt more like hanging out with a group of long-time friends than interviewing for a hob. It’s an outstanding path to become a radiologist and there’s a great group of people here to do it alongside.

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Being able to wake up and walk ten minutes to a delicious brunch without having to wait on a table. Hoping in the car afterwards and driving 20-30 minutes to one of many beautiful day hikes in the area. Making it back in time for an evening out with friends downtown or a quick trip to DC for dinner and drinks with my fiancé. All the variety and accessibility of city living without the traffic or inconvenience.

Class of 2028

Katherine Begley

Hometown: Fairmont, WV
College: West Virginia University
Medical School: Ohio State University

What do you like to do for fun? 

Anything outdoors— hiking, backpacking, gardening. 

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

Hopkins was the best mix of academic excellence, volume and down-to-earth people. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

I was exposed to IR my first year of medical school through research, and I fell in love with the breadth of pathologies treated by IR and the ever-evolving tools and technologies used for endovascular procedures. 


Seulah "Rebecca" Choi

What is your hometown? Seoul, Korea
Which college did you attend? Johns Hopkins 
Which medical school did you attend? Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 

What do you like to do for fun?

“Solidcore and wine” - by my coresidents, Kate and Sasicha

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

The immense diversity in not only the training sites, but also in the patients and pathologies. The camaraderie and team-based environment, embodied within this program! The successful collaboration with Hopkins innovation lab, Carnegie Center and the engineering department, coupled with the extensive resources dedicated towards innovation and research endeavors! I believe that Hopkins radiology fosters a unique training experience to grow us as an excellent interventional radiologist and a leader in academic radiology!

How did you decide to pursue radiology? 

“Serendipity” - by my coresident, Sasicha

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

“Give my coresidents candy every day while we sit outside eating lunch.” - by my coresident, Rachel 

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology? 

My coresidents who are helping me with answering these questions.


Sasicha Manupipatpong

What is your hometown? Bangkok, Thailand
Which college did you attend? Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Which medical school did you attend? Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

What do you like to do for fun?

Ensure my furbabies are living the good life. My hodgepodge of rescues--presently consisting of 80lb pitbull mix Turtle and cat frenemies Meebo and Neemo--are all very needy. The goal is to keep building our army of furbabies, as well as foster and train dogs in the future to help them find homes. I also like to sing and draw/paint. 

How did you decide to pursue radiology? 

I had a bit of a circuitous path to radiology, but the long and the short of it is that I initially came to medical school interested in either oncology, geriatrics, or neurology. When I discovered IR (and NIR) and realized I wouldn't have to choose between the three after all due to the breadth, adaptability, and constantly evolving nature of the field, I was sold! My initial exposure to IR was through research my first summer of medical school, and every subsequent experience I have had learning more about IR and DR in various contexts (from COVID era online rotations to spending time in the IR suite and reading rooms) has further convinced me that I chose correctly.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure?

Watching anime or C-dramas and eating copious amounts of good food. Preferably both at the same time.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

The people!!

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Also the people!!


Class of 2029

Anna Gong

Hometown: Davis, CA
College: UC Berkeley
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 

What do you like to do for fun? Hike, ski, read, try new restaurants, hang out with friends, try new hobbies

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

 Hopkins was a a no-brainer choice for me! Having gone to medical school here, I was already impressed by the program’s amazing faculty, resident culture, case diversity, research opportunities, and emphasis on autonomy. Hopkins’ strength in both diagnostic and interventional radiology sealed the deal for me.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

 I decided to pursue radiology because would allow me to gain both diagnostic and interventional skills. I look forward to learning how to diagnose and treat a wide breadth of pathologies through diverse modalities. I also find that interventional radiology has an amazing research culture that not only emphasizes technology and invention but also clinical outcomes and patient quality of life. 

What is one thing about being at Johns Hopkins that you don’t think you would have been able to do anywhere else?

I love a spontaneous brunch trip to The Corner Pantry or Chuck’s Trading Post.

What do you love the most about Johns Hopkins radiology?

The people!

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Baltimore is truly Charm City. It has a little bit of everything that you might want: amazing mom and pop shops, great food spots, parks, a very walkable waterfront and easy access to NYC and DC when you’re feeling more big city vibes. 

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?


Anna Gong

Molly Pasque

Hometown: St. Louis, MO
College: University of Oklahoma
Medical School: University of Missouri Kansas City

What do you like to do for fun? 

I love practicing yoga, going to concerts, dancing, painting with acrylics, attempting to keep plants alive, and hanging with my dog, Stevie Nicks. 

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program? 

There is no question that Hopkins offers exceptional Radiology training, in both IR and DR. With an abundance of resources and experts in the field, I knew that I would receive an unparalleled education. In addition, I was looking for a program that exposed me to the most interesting and complex patients, while also treating a largely underserved area. As a bonus, the staff are so kind and invested in our education!  

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

DR and IR are the two best specialties that medicine has to offer, and I am so lucky to get to do both! If you want diverse pathologies, niche procedures that offer huge and life-saving interventions for patients, and the coolest colleagues – then IR is for you too! 

What do you love most about Baltimore?
The world is sleeping on Baltimore! This unique city has amazing food, access to both water and hiking trails, the cutest areas to live, and deep history. Plus, a very important point for me, most band tours come through Baltimore, so I never have to miss a concert! 
Molly Pasque

John Schanz

Hometown: Villanova, PA
College: Bucknell University
Medical School: Sidney Kimmel Medical College (Thomas Jefferson)

What do you like to do for fun? 

Riding horses and playing table tennis with my wife while also co-parenting our rescue mutt, “Dexter.” Channeling my inner Wild West via sporting clays and target shooting. Testing my flexibility and structural integrity with pickleball and snowboarding. Striving to perfect an open-face breakfast sandwich recipe.

Why did you choose the Johns Hopkins radiology program?

 I completed an away sub-I and I was struck by the people in the program: incredibly sharp, driven, easy going, funny and humble. In short, I felt inspired and wanted to be more like everyone I met.

How did you decide to pursue radiology?

Radiology touches every corner of medicine. It demands knowing “something about everything.” It offers a unique appreciation for form and function, how the body is connected, and the chance to piece together a clinical story without the need for physical patient examination. As a prior construction design engineer, I appreciate that diagnostic radiology offers the ability to interpret the body’s “blueprints” and interventional radiology offers the ability to treat pathology with catheters minimally invasively, akin to fixing the plumbing/wires/devices inside the walls (of the body) across virtually every organ system.

What is your favorite pastime or guilty pleasure?

Finding opportunities to insert quotes from “The Office” in everyday conversation, still playing Halo 2 online to maintain my old-timer status in the gaming community. 

What do you love most about Baltimore?

Affordability compared to cities of similar size in the northeast corridor, lots of greenery/parks, discovering hidden gem restaurants.

What is your quality of life as a radiology resident at Johns Hopkins?

Could not be higher, everyone is excited to come to the hospital to work hard and learn daily, but also, excited to leave at the end of the day (often early) to spend time with loved ones and/or pursue a wide variety of hobbies/interests.  
