Johns Hopkins neurology and neurosurgery research brings together some of the world’s most creative and curious minds who are working toward cures for devastating diseases such as brain cancer, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and dementia, while broadening our understanding of the most complex organ system in the body.
Research Labs
- ALS Center for Cell Therapy and Regeneration Research
- Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
- Auditory Neurophysiology Lab
- Brain Cancer Biology & Therapy Lab
- Brain Tumor Genetics Lab
- Calabresi Lab
- Gabsang Lee Lab
- HEPIUS Innovation Lab
- Hunterian Neurosurgical Lab
- JHU NIMH Research Center
- Marsh Lab
- Merkin Peripheral Neuropathy and Nerve Regeneration Center
- Mohamed Farah Lab
- NeuroImaging and Modulation Lab (NIMLAB)
- Neuroimmunopathology Lab
- Neuro-Oncology Surgical Outcomes Lab
- Neurosurgery Pain Research Institute
- Neuro-Vestibular and Ocular Motor Lab
- Richard L. Huganir Lab
- Spinal Fusion Lab
- Spinal Oncology Lab for Translational Molecular Genetics
- Spinal Surgical Outcomes and Biomechanics Lab
- Subependymoma and Ependymoma Research Center
- Ted Dawson Lab
- Tsapkini Language Neuromodulation Lab
- Vestibular NeuroAdaptation Lab
- Zeiler Stroke Recovery Lab