Specialized Ovarian Cancer Research (SPORE)

Johns Hopkins Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania have been awarded the prestigious Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) grant by the National Cancer Institute for furthering translational ovarian cancer research. This grant (2024-2029) will offer new opportunities for ovarian cancer patients seeking innovative clinical trials and new diagnostic tools for early detection of ovarian cancer in women.

On this page:

Research Objectives | Current Projects | Support Cores | Career Development Programs | Our Team

Research Objectives

The primary goal of our partnership is to translate our recent laboratory research discoveries into improvements in ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Ovarian cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers in women in the United States. It’s often detected in its advanced stage, making it difficult to treat and a major cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. Our team will evaluate innovative approaches for early diagnosis through the development of more effective diagnostic tools and investigate novel therapies that will minimize chemotherapy resistance and reduce recurrence after regular treatment. Clinical trials will support this research, and we are currently accepting eligible applicants.

This SPORE is led by Dr. Ie-Ming Shih, the Richard W. TeLinde Distinguished Professor in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Dr. Ronny Drapkin, the Franklin Payne Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Research Program Structure

This translational program is composed of three hypothesis-driven research projects, three shared core resources, the Career Enhancement Program, and the Developmental Research Program. Below we provide a synopsis of our program goals and structure. Researchers from this program at both Johns Hopkins University and the University of Pennsylvania work closely to align and join their efforts in all three research projects of this SPORE.

Current Projects


These projects are supported by an administrative core, a biorepository/pathology core and a computational/biostatistics core.

Career Enhancement and Developmental Programs

We have also established Career Enhancement and Developmental Research Programs to help fuel future SPORE advances.

Interested in submitting a project? Read our application guidelines and learn how to apply here. 

Program Leadership

Shih, Ie-Ming, M.D., Ph.D.

Principal Investigator (Contact)
Johns Hopkins Medicine

image of Dr. Shih

Drapkin, Ronny, M.D., Ph.D.

Principal Investigator (mPI)
University of Pennsylvania

Image of Dr. Drakin