Equity for COVID-19 Vaccines and Care

At Johns Hopkins Medicine, inclusive and equitable access to medical care and health information is a core value of our institution. Our care teams are working with community partners to give vaccines to our most vulnerable eligible residents, to provide access to COVID-19 testing, and to educate and inform our communities hardest hit by this pandemic.

Let's Talk Health / Hablemos de Salud

Johns Hopkins Medicine and community partners are working together for vaccine and health equity. Watch our collection of videos addressing vaccine equity. Johns Hopkins Medicine y las organizaciones locales aúnan esfuerzos para que la población tenga acceso a las vacunas y a servicios médicos adecuados. En estos vídeos abordaremos la igualdad de acceso a las vacunas.

See videos / ver videos

Toolkit for Community Organizations / Kit de herramientas para organizaciones comunitarias

Resources in English

At Johns Hopkins Medicine, we are collaborating with local partners to educate and inform our communities with facts about COVID vaccines. The downloadable resources below are for our community partners to print and share with the people and neighborhoods they serve, especially those with limited access to digital resources.


Recursos en español

Nosotros en Johns Hopkins Medicine estamos colaborando con socios a nivel local para educar a nuestras comunidades y brindarles información fidedigna sobre las vacunas contra la COVID-19. Los recursos a continuación, que pueden bajarse de Internet, son para que nuestros socios comunitarios los impriman y compartan con las personas y vecindarios a quienes sirven, especialmente aquellos que tienen acceso limitado a recursos en formato digital.


Our Initiatives

21224 COVID-19 Response Initiative

To respond to the major surge of COVID-19 infections in Baltimore’s 21224 area code, Johns Hopkins and the BUILD Organization joined forces to enact a robust and urgent containment and prevention strategy.
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COVID-19 Community Education Task Force Report

The task force was formed in January 2021 to bring information about vaccine and COVID-19 safety to the Baltimore community. The task force, comprised of Johns Hopkins employees and allies, coordinated and developed dozens of events, campaigns and resources between January and September of 2021.
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COVID-19 Anchor Strategy

The Workgroup identifies, develops and deploys interventions in coordination with the Baltimore school system, the city and state health departments, and other agencies and organizations to bring education, testing and other resources to Baltimore communities that are particularly hard hit by the pandemic.
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COVID-19 Culturally Appropriate Care, Testing and Follow-up

Juntos seeks to reduce cultural and language isolation for Latinx patients and their families by connecting them with bilingual clinicians. Johns Hopkins clinicians are traveling to homeless shelters, sober living facilities and neighborhoods deemed COVID-19 hot spots to provide on-site testing.
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Additional Equity Stories