Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital Community Benefits

Johns Hopkins All Children’s mission is to improve the health of all children in our community through treatment, research, education and advocacy. 

Our mission reflects a passion for patient care, research and the training of future health professionals. It extends beyond the hospital walls and our direct care services to include the well-being of the communities we serve.

Through forming purposeful partnerships with community-based organizations, we are able to combine interests and expertise for the strategic improvement of program and policy interventions leading to enhanced quality of life for our neighbors.

Community benefit initiatives and programs are intended to improve health in communities and increase access to health care. At Johns Hopkins All Children’s, we address local community health in a number of ways, including:

  • Charity care
  • Community-building activities
  • Community health improvement services
  • Education for health professionals
  • Financial and in-kind contributions
  • Mission-driven health services
  • Research
  • Subsidized health services

The objectives of community benefit activities or programs include improving access to health services, enhancing public health, advancing increased general knowledge, and relief of a government burden to improve health.

These activities and programs:

  • Are available broadly to the public and serve low-income consumers
  • Reduce barriers to accessing health services
  • Address federal, state, or local public health priorities, such as eliminating disparities in health status among different populations
  • Leverage or enhance public health department activities
  • Strengthen community health resilience
  • Advance general knowledge through education or research that benefits the public

Community Benefit Report Narrative


Unified4Allkids identifies and addresses the most critical pediatric health needs of children in Pinellas County. Johns Hopkins All Children’s created Unified4Allkids as a public-private partnership that includes parents, educators, nonprofit professionals, community leaders and health care providers. It builds upon the Community Health Needs Assessment processes that were completed in 2013, 2016 and 2019 by reviewing and prioritizing community-identified health issues facing our children. 

The 2019 assessment reflects an enhanced collaborative approach that aligns with local nonprofit hospitals and departments of health. This approach, differing from previous years, enabled us to establish a partnership among similar-missioned local organizations while facilitating resources and expertise to better understand and address the top health issues.

Through this collaboration, partners have not only fulfilled the community health needs assessment IRS tax exemption requirement, but we have also convened a pathway to produce a unique and holistic approach to determining the activities and community services that will constitute a cultural health transformation in each community, county and region. 

Unified4Allkids has prioritized community engagement since its inception. Now that our community and key stakeholders have identified critical issues, our partners and supporters will champion the Community Benefit Strategic Implementation Plan by integrating and adopting parts of the plan throughout the county.

The 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment identified six key areas of need:

  • Asthma/allergies
  • Birth outcomes/infant mortality
  • Exercise, nutrition and weight
  • Injury prevention
  • Mental health
  • Substance use and alcohol abuse

The Community Benefit Strategic Implementation Plan outlines objectives, actions and steps to make progress in each of these areas of need and offers recommendations on evaluation. We ask our partners and supporters to champion the implementation plan by integrating and adopting parts of it into their protocols and to track our progress on our accountability dashboards.

Unified4Allkids: Creating solutions to health issues facing Pinellas County's children

Priority Health Issues



More children face allergies and asthma than any other health issue. When grouped together, asthma and allergies were, by far, the health issues most often cited by parents.

To address this issue we are seeking to promote a non-smoking school environment and lifestyle for children, advocate changes to local and state policymakers related to reducing second-hand and third-hand tobacco smoke (including e-cigarettes and vaping), and establish processes to improve coordination of care among health care providers, schools and parents, as well as treatment equipment needed for home and school.

Action Steps

Birth outcomes/infant mortality

Community Health Priorities

In Pinellas County, data show that Black/African American infants are at an inequity in terms of infant mortality. In 2017, there were 11.4 Black/African American infant deaths per 1,000 live births. Research shows that socioeconomic inequality is likely a primary contributor to the higher infant mortality rates.

We aim to increase community leaders’, Pinellas residents’ and clinical staff’s knowledge and awareness of the impact that social determinants of health have on individuals and communities. Actions include targeted education on preconception health and prenatal care. We will also work to increase engagement with the entire family – not just mom and baby – to improve cognitive, behavioral and general health for the child.

Action Steps

Exercise, nutrition and weight

Exercise, Weight, and Obesity

The 2019 assessment and a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Education and Behavior reflect the ongoing struggle of food insecurity, wellness and physical activity, which impacts disadvantaged children and their families at a disproportionately higher rate. 

In Pinellas County, 30-33.5% of children ages 2-4 and 25-30% of high school students are overweight or obese. There is also a disproportionate burden of obesity on certain populations. This top health issue is more widespread in children than many parents realize. 

We aim to establish innovative, convenient pathways to access healthy, nutritional food in areas that are underserved and impacted by barriers like food costs, mobility, transportation and language. There is also a need to increase physical activity and access to health-related programming.

Action Steps

Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention Community Benefits

Children can get hurt either accidentally through injury, or on purpose through violence. Additionally, every hour nearly 150 children ages 0-18 are treated in emergency departments for injuries sustained in motor vehicle crashes. To better protect our children’s safety and security we will work with traditional and nontraditional partners to decrease intentional and unintentional injuries through education and awareness around the top identified mechanisms of injury.

We aim to better protect our children’s safety and security through targeted education and awareness to decrease intentional and unintentional injuries. Whether that pertains to bicycle, motor vehicle and occupants, pedestrian, or water safety initiatives. 

Action Steps

Mental health

Mental Health Community

A top issue for youth at all income levels in Pinellas County is mental health. A widespread issue, mental health concerns can include bullying, trauma, anxiety and depression that often goes undiagnosed or untreated.

To address this issue we are focused on developing positive coping skills and strategies for our children, to remove the stigma of mental illness in our community by working with local experts and specialists to educate, establish and build these coping and resiliency mechanisms. 

Action Steps

Substance abuse and alcohol use

Substance Abuse Community

The misuse of alcohol, over-the-counter medications, and illicit drugs affects the health and well-being of millions of Americans, including indirect and direct effects on children. Recent data show that Pinellas County youth are engaging in increased rates of heavy or binge drinking and marijuana use.
To address this issue we will educate parents about substance use, particularly of marijuana and alcohol, to bring awareness to the impact it has on developing children and adolescents. We will also work to increase stakeholder collaboration through creative partnerships that address this growing issue and develop a better health navigation system for treatment.

Action Steps

Contact Us

If you have comments or questions, please call the Community Health & Government Affairs team.

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