Healthy Community Partnership

The Healthy Community Partnership grew out of relationships that Johns Hopkins Bayview established with a number of area religious congregations. Embracing the principles of dialogue, mutual education and respect, these partnerships support initiatives that help to:
- Improve access to medical care
- Offer educational programs on health topics that impact the community
- Equip individuals and groups with needed resources and tools to become stronger advocates for good health and medical care
- Address health care disparities
Mission, Vision & Goals
It's the mission of the Healthy Community Partnership to Improve the health of the community by working together with faith based and other organizations to:
- Engage the community
- Embrace good health initiative
- Enrich participants through mutual advocacy
- Embody the very best values of Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Engaging community partners to embrace Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center as the most trusted health care provider in the area and helping to share advocacy for healthy communities within the communities we serve.
- Partner with congregations in the Bayview community to develop and sustain health.
- Use experience at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center and the Healthy Community Partnerships to develop a model that can be replicated elsewhere.
- Publish, promulgate, and publicize the concept and models for Healthy Community Partnerships
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Publications, Testimonials, and Support
Healthy Communities is a publication for people who are invested in improving the health of our community.
- Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2021 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2020 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2019 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Fall 2018 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2018 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Fall 2017 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2017 - Healthy Communities Newsletters
Summer 2016 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Winter 2016 - Healthy Communities Newsletter
Spring 2015
- Healthy Communities Newsletter
The Healthy Community Partnership promotes patient education by drawing on the familiarity and trust developed within faith communities.
We Need to Talk About Depression
Faith communities can be a remarkable source of support and strength. View this video, sponsored by the Healthy Community Partnership, to learn how important it is to start the conversation about mental illness.We Need to Talk: A Story of Loss and Hope
Millions of people suffer from depression. Many suffer in silence. Effective treatments for depression exist, but only half of those who are depressed seek help. This video, sponsored by the Healthy Community Partnership, talks about how important it is to start the conversation about mental illness. It could save a life. -
“I’m grateful for the connections we have formed. This is only the beginning.” – Renee Blanding, M.D., vice president of Medical Affairs, JHBMC
“HCP – Healthy Community Partnership – also means to me Helping Communities Prosper. Prosper in their abilities to be healthier physically, spiritually, and emotionally through a partnership with the most trusted medical institution in the area.” – Rev. Dred Scott, pastor at St. Matthew United Methodist Church
“LHA is innovated program that's equips individuals to be educated with the tools to advocate for patients, friends and neighbors. Every community needs advocacy to improve our healthcare system." – Katherine Scott, member of St. Matthew United Methodist Church, LHE and LHA graduate
"I think LHA is one of the amazing programs that Bayview has made. It empowers people to enflesh their care and love to their loved ones especially to the elderly with greater responsibility and information that the program will offer. I can only wish that this program can be disseminated all over the country so that more people will benefit from it and will be medically equipped in giving care to each other.” – Richard Giner, summer CPE intern graduate and LHA graduate
“I was amazed at how fast the program (LHE) went by. I have been involved in many different educational seminars but this was one of the most interesting, best put together series that I’ve ever had. All the presenters were knowledgeable, friendly and energetic. You could tell that they WANTED to be there. Without a doubt, this was an extremely beneficial and enjoyable experience." – Dennis Krouse, member of St. Rita Catholic Church, LHE and LHA graduate
"This program is superb! We get to receive first-hand information from young doctors fresh from the school. Not only is it free, the environment is very conducive. This is a very powerful way through which Johns Hopkins is impacting the life of the people in the community. Health is wealth. By sharing this information, Johns Hopkins is sharing wealth to the less privileged through religious communities." – Father Anthony Anichukwu
"It is a program which should be spread to more people and build up a helping community. It enables one to speak to the medical professionals on behalf of the patient and support the patient but protecting his/her privacy and priority." – Laby George Panackamattom
Online giving is an easy way to support Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center's Healthy Community Partnership. You can make a tax-deductible credit card donation anytime by using our secure online giving site.
Note: Select "Healthy Community Partnership" next to "Please designate my gift to." If you'd prefer to make a donation by phone or would like more information, please call Kimberly Monson at 410-550-1118.
Administrative Team

Community Health Partnership Programs
COVID-19 Community Partners Calls
Sponsored by the Healthy Community Partnership and Medicine for the Greater Good
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued various public health instructions and messages with the hope of curbing the spread of the virus. These instructions were made in an effort to slow the spread of the virus that resulted in significant morbidity and mortality, especially to vulnerable populations (minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged). In an effort to assure accordance with public health instructions by the CDC, equitable strategies for at-risk and vulnerable populations and communities were warranted. Through existing relationships established by the Healthy Community Partnership, Medicine for the Greater Good, and the Department of Spiritual Care, community conference calls were implemented to disseminate critical information on the pandemic and allow community leaders to discuss struggles and successes.
Guidance and Recommendations for Congregations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided guidance and recommendations for faith-based organizations to educate, prepare, and respond to COVID-19. However, local faith-based leaders were still left challenged on how to take general guidelines and adapt them to their buildings of worship and their community. In an effort to assure accordance with CDC guidelines, the Healthy Community Partnership (HCP) and Medicine for the Greater Good (MGG) provided guidance to faith-based organizations who participated in our COVID-19 Community Calls. We meet with faith-based leaders to discuss how to implement CDC guidelines in accordance with their belief, place of worship, and community.
Faith-based leaders are invited to meet with us virtually to discuss how to reopen their place of worship safely. During these sessions, we discuss guidelines issued by the CDC on healthy hygiene practices, cleaning and disinfecting, and physical distancing, while tailoring to the needs and beliefs of the religious communities. Questions and concerns are also addressed.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss how to re-open your faith-based organization safely, please email us.
Honoring Your Wishes: Your Voice Matters
Conversations about end-of-life care or critical illness decision-making are difficult. Most people don’t want to think about tragedy or death. It is important to start these discussions in a safe and nurturing environment.
A grant from the Maryland Department of Health has enabled the Johns Hopkins Bayview Department of Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy, in conjunction with the Healthy Community Partnership (HCP), to develop a new workshop about advance directives.
An advance directive is a written document that tells your health care providers who should speak for you and what medical decisions they should make if you become unable to speak for yourself. An advance directive is important if you become unconscious or otherwise too sick to make your wishes known.
Advance Directives | Your Voice Matters
An advance directive is a legal document that shares your wishes for care at the end of your life. Paulette Chase-Lampkin shares her brother's life and the importance of establishing an advance directive.
"Honoring Your Wishes: Your Voice Matters" is a free workshop about advance directives that encourages individuals to ensure that they will have a voice through wellness, chronic illness and end of life.
Participants will learn:
- What an advance directive is
- How to write an advance directive
- How to communicate final wishes
If your congregation or community organization is interested in hosting a free workshop, please contact Andrea Fitz at [email protected] or 410-550-1197.
Lay Health Educator Program
Partnerships between hospitals and faith communities have the potential to address many of today’s greatest health challenges. Working together, they can develop proactive and compassionate programs that provide people with the information and support they need to access health care resources as well as maintain their health, independence and dignity.
The Healthy Community Partnership’s Lay Health Educator Program is a free, 9-week, 13.5 hour course for volunteers from religious communities who are interested in addressing many of today’s greatest health challenges. No prior training or experience in health care is required. The program is offered by Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, with instruction provided by physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers and chaplains.
Some of the topics covered include:
- Advance directives
- Cancer
- Chronic kidney disease
- Communicating with health care providers
- Coronary artery disease
- Dementia
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Hypertension
- Lung disease
- Medication management
- Stroke
- Vaccinations
Program participants also learn about local health programs and how to access appropriate resources.
Upcoming Lay Health Educator Training
The next training of the Lay Health Educator Program will begin September 8, 2022 and will be held every Thursday from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. through November 17,2022 via Zoom. (Due to conflicting events, there will be no class on October 6 or November 10.)
At the end of the 9-week training program, participants will be expected to:
- Attend at least two follow-up sessions by June 2023
- Organize at least two activities within their congregation/community
If the participant attends at least 8 sessions AND completes the above requirements, they will receive a certificate of completion. In addition, a $200 stipend will be sent directly to their house of worship to offset any costs associated with the activities planned. (Please note that the stipend will not be sent to the participant.)
To be considered as a participant for the Lay Health Educator Program, you must submit a completed application including a letter of endorsement/pledge of support* from your congregation leader. To apply, please complete the online application or download a copy and submit to [email protected]. There is no cost to apply or to participate in the program.
Space is limited, so please apply by Thursday, September 1.
* Please note that this is NOT a letter of recommendation. The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate that your faith leader is supportive of your participation in the Lay Health Educator Program, and will allow you the opportunity to share what you learned from the training with your congregation. Please direct the letter to Kimberly Monson, Community Program Coordinator, Healthy Community Partnership.
For more information review the Lay Health Educator Program brochure or contact Kimberly Monson at [email protected] or 410-550-1118.
Medical Religious Partners
Medical-religious partnerships support the Medical Center's role as the trusted hospital of choice for the local community. Johns Hopkins Bayview offers volunteer education, health and wellness programs for spiritual leaders and congregational health activities. Congregation/faith groups who engage with the Medical Center in its effort to build a healthier community are called medical religious partners. These partnerships are the backbone of a committed network of care in the neighborhoods surrounding Johns Hopkins Bayview. There is no cost to participating in a medical-religious partnership.
- Participation in HCP educational offerings (Lay Health Educator, Lay Health Advocate)
- Assistance with health fairs or health-related activities via toolkit or JHBMC Community Relations Department
- Support for congregational representatives providing spiritual care support within the Medical Center
- Use of Speaker’s Bureau for relevant topics
- Preventive health activities through Johns Hopkins Bayview Wellness Center for congregational staff
- Information about the JHBMC Community Partners CPE program
- Participation in other health-related activities at JHBMC that are appropriate for community participation
- Parking privileges through the Spiritual Care Department
- Quarterly brunches, where workgroups gather to continue the movement of health and wellness in the Baltimore community.
- Support the medical-religious partnership in prayer and worship to become God’s instruments for health and wholeness in our community
- Use clergy role to articulate and mirror the values and practices of a healthy lifestyle
- Extend an opportunity for members and neighbors to be informed of the medical-religious partnership, the benefits of and how to become active participants in the life and the work of the Medical Center
- Promote educational opportunities for trained congregational lay health educators and lay health advocates
- Assist lay health educators and congregational patient advocates as they provide support and guidance for individuals and families navigating through the health care system
- Seek ways to extend the medical-religious partnership to other congregations and community groups
- Share resources that contribute to the success of medical-religious partnership activities.