Johns Hopkins Faculty Gold Book

The Gold Book undergoes periodic revision that reflect changes in academic medicine and the needs of the faculty and the School of Medicine. In 2005, the Committee on the Clinician Educator together with the Medical School Council (now Faculty Senate) updated the Gold Book to explicitly include scholarship in education as a criteria for promotion. In addition, contract periods beyond 6 years at Assistant and Associate Professor were made options for faculty to provide adequate time to advance their scholarship for promotion. These modifications do not represent radical changes for promotion or for contract periods but align the Gold Book with practices at the School of Medicine over the last several years. The 2005 Gold Book changes provided the faculty with more flexibility to achieve their professional goals. The changes made in 2017 clarified the guaranteed salary as the Part A Salary. It also simplified the years at rank for Assistant Professors and Associate Professors. This 2019 version of the Gold Book introduces the Clinical Excellence Track, a new pathway for promotion for faculty at the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor.
All changes were approved by the Faculty Senate and the Advisory Board of the Medical School.
Maria Oliva-Hemker, M.D.
Stermer Family Professor of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition