SOM Faculty Offer Letters
The offer letter templates must be used in conjunction with your approved departmental compensation plan. Select the correct template for clinical or basic science faculty, and adjust the various clauses to match your department’s plan. Note that, while three different methods of calculating bonuses are provided, each department should have one consistent method that they use for all faculty. Refer to the Compensation Definitions and the resources of the Clinical Practice Association for more information. Faculty recruitment may require finance office review, and for clinical faculty may require review for fair market value review.
Be sure to attach the correct exhibits:
- current HIPAA Certificate
- current Noncompete
- Recruiting SOM Faculty with Interfolio
If there are unique circumstances for your recruitment, contact Faculty Affairs for further guidance on changes to the offer template. School of Medicine Dean and CEO, Theodore DeWeese, M.D., should be copied on offer letters.
- Basic Science Faculty Offer Letter
- Clinical Faculty Offer Letter
- ASTP Faculty Offer Letter
- Part Time Compensated Offer Letter
- Personal Leave of Absence Letter
- Personal Leave of Absence Letter-Part Time Faculty
- Rehiring a Retiree Offer Letter
For cases where you are hiring a faculty member in the specialty faculty ranks, and do not intend an appointment beyond one year, the below language allows you to provide notice of nonrenewal as part of the appointment letter:
I am delighted to offer you a full-time position as [X] in the Department of [X] at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, effective [X] through [X]. This will be a one year position, so this letter also serves to notify you of the nonrenewal of this contract, effective at the end of the term. -
Yes, you can modify the term and the type of appointment to match the faculty category you are hiring. For Research Associates, you should use the Basic Science faculty template. For any category of faculty that will have clinical duties, you should use the Clinical Faculty template.
The offer letter template is intended to cover all possible faculty recruitment scenarios. Sections that offer recruitment terms that are not applicable to a specific individual (like moving expenses or start up packages for research) may be deleted.
No, the clinical associates are senior staff, not faculty and receive a different cover letter along with their employment agreement. This letter template and contract template is owned and maintained by the Clinical Practice Association.
No, non-AST faculty below the rank of Assistant Professor are not governed by the Terms of the JHM Non-Compete for Physicians.
The JHM Policy on the Covenant Not to Compete (JHM Policy No. GEN003) provides more detail on the non-compete clause. You should contact the COO for OJHP and the Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs for any requests for exceptions that might be permitted under the policy. -
Yes, while faulty at 75% FTE may be considered “limited full time” under the Gold Book, part-time faculty appointments are governed by the Blue Book, and you should provide a signed appointment letter documenting the change in position. There is a form provided for your use.
Medical, family, or other FMLA leaves are governed by University policies. You should follow the instructions at the JHU Benefits site for Family and Medical Leaves. Other kinds of faculty personal leaves are granted at the discretion of the Department Director and after approval by the Dean under Section IX.B.3 of the Gold Book. Personal leaves are granted without guarantee that the Full-time faculty position will be available at the expiration. Clinical faculty need to notify the Medical Staff office of their leave, and for faculty with grants, the funding agency must be notified. There is a form provided for your use.
Part time faculty who are less than 75% employed are subject to the provisions of the Blue Book, not the Gold Book. Their benefits may also be different. There is a form provided for your use in recruiting part time compensated faculty.
JHU faculty physicians who perform work in the District of Columbia may be subject to the 'District of Columbia Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Amendment of 2020.'
An exception exists for highly compensated employees, which includes employees who earn at least $150,000 or for 'medical specialists,' defined as someone who holds a license to practice medicine, is a physician, has completed a medical residency, and receives compensation of at least $250,00 per year.
A Program Letter of Agreement (PLA) must be completed and signed by the ASTP Program Director and the representative at the host institution. The completed form should be sent to the Office of Faculty Information at [email protected]. If approved, OFI will obtain the Dean's signature and return the form to the program for execution. Programs are responsible for retaining this documentation in their records.