OASIS (Online Access Student Information Software) is the curriculum mapping and management tool for the Genes to Society curriculum. All faculty and students have access to OASIS through the JHED authentication system.

In order to have the best possible information in our curriculum inventory, the following information is entered for each event within a course or clerkship:

  • A complete course schedule of educational events 
  • Start times and end times for curricular events  
  • Instructor names 
  • Event learning objectives 
  • Linking of event objectives to overall course objectives 
  • Linking of overall course objectives to the medical education program objectives 
  • Instructional method 
  • Assessment method 
  • Keywords 
  • Horizontal strands 
  • Resources required for the event 

OASIS allows faculty, staff and learners to see the calendar of events, view individual events (who is teaching, what content is covered, etc.), search for content using keywords across the curriculum. Use your JHED ID and password to enter OASIS.

Access OASIS here

OASIS Instructions

Viewing the Calendar

  1. Login to http://oasis.med.jhmi.edu using your JHED password
  2. Go to "calendar"
  3. Select the date your course begins by scrolling on the calendar icon to the right of the date 
  4. Make sure you have selected the correct year on the left-hand buttons: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4: otherwise, you will see all years together

Searching Events

  1. Login to http://oasis.med.jhmi.edu using your JHED password
  2. Courses > Select Course
  3. Select the academic year you want and press “reselect year”
  4. Choose the appropriate department (All courses in the GTS curriculum are "interdepartmental.")
  5. Choose any course
  6. Click “Enter Course”
  7. Go to Manage > Event-Based Courses > Search Events
  8. Choose the fields you wish to search

Printing a Range of Weeks

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above.
  2. Go to Manage > Events-Based Courses > Multi-Week Print
  3. Select the weeks you want to print and enter your e-mail address. A pdf will be e-mailed to you.
  4. If you cannot access this, email the Office of Medical Student Curriculum coordinator.
  5. Please consider the environment before printing.