Every day, Johns Hopkins Medicine works to provide high quality, safe and compassionate care to our patients and our communities. We have many team members focused on meeting those goals, supported by experts at the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. We share the information below so that you can understand how Johns Hopkins Medicine is doing in meeting those objectives.
Patient Experience
Based on survey results from previous patients, you can see how others rated their experience of care from a Johns Hopkins Medicine hospital or home health care provider

Infection Prevention
These measures include the rate of CLABSIs, a preventable bloodstream infection and the percentage of observed hand washing or use of hand sanitizer before and after caring for a patient.

Delivery and Newborn Care
These measures are national standards of care and treatment processes for delivery and newborn care. Compliance shows how often a hospital follows each of these steps.

Surgical Volumes
Studies have shown a strong relationship exists between the number of times a hospital performs a specific surgical procedure and the outcomes for those patients.

Quality of Care Ratings
The quality of patient care star rating is a summary of how well the Johns Hopkins Care at Home and Johns Hopkins Care at Home - Potomac perform on nine quality measures such as ambulation.

These measures include national standards of treatment for common conditions, infection prevention, pain management and emergency department wait times for Johns Hopkins' pediatric divisions.

Hospital Readmissions
Johns Hopkins Medicine hospitals track the number of patients with unplanned readmissions to the hospital within the 30 days after being discharged.

Empowering Patients Through Safety and Quality Data | Julie's Story
At Johns Hopkins Medicine, we believe patients deserve to be informed about the quality of their health care. We are committed to transparently sharing our performance and how we are working to provide the best care to our patients.
Helping Patients Understand Safety and Quality Data
Patients deserve to know how hospitals are performing. At Johns Hopkins, we regularly report on key measures gathered at our hospitals, including hospital infections, patient satisfaction and hand hygiene. By empowering patients with safety and quality data, we can help inform their decision on where to receive healthcare.