Help Us Build the Future of Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic Surgery has been a pillar of Johns Hopkins Medicine since The Johns Hopkins Hospital first opened in 1889. For well over a century, we have helped shape orthopaedic surgery around the world. We continue to define standards of care through research discoveries, unsurpassed clinical excellence, and the attentive training of future orthopaedic physician-scientists. Our faculty includes many of the most respected and successful orthopaedic surgeons in the world.
How to Donate

Over the Phone

Donna Clare
Director of Development
Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
601 N. Caroline St., Suite 5251
Baltimore, MD 21287

Why Give to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery?
Your gift to the Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery can have a profound impact on patient care and advancement of orthopaedic science. The story of Johns Hopkins is—at its heart—a story of philanthropy. Johns Hopkins Medicine owes its existence, and its continuing excellence, to the generosity of people like you.
Historically, orthopaedic research has been underfunded, in part due to a prevailing impression that musculoskeletal disease is important—but not urgent. Even today, with the federal government declaring 2002-2011 “The Bone and Joint Decade,” and with projections showing an alarming increase in musculoskeletal conditions over the next 20 years, musculoskeletal research receives less than 2% of the NIH budget. Therefore, partnerships with philanthropists who share our vision of ever-better medical care, and cutting-edge research to improve outcomes for patients, are of critical importance.
Musculoskeletal disorders and diseases are a leading cause of disability in the United States. Beginning at age 25, our muscles and bones steadily lose mass, an inexorable trend that erodes their strength and functionality. This consequence of aging, together with accidents, injuries, disease-related causes, and congenital disorders, cause more than one in four Americans today to suffer a musculoskeletal condition requiring medical attention.
The loss of bone (osteoporosis) and muscle (sarcopenia) rank among the most important global health problems. Over 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, and another 34 million have low bone density. As populations age in the US and worldwide, and as the sedentary “Western lifestyle” becomes predominant, the prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions will almost surely increase. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that, while 27 million Americans currently suffer from osteoarthritis, by the year 2030, 25% of American adults, nearly 67 million people, will have this diagnosis.
Orthopaedic surgeons step in when structures of the musculoskeletal system are damaged or impaired: sports-related injury, degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, trauma (including accidents), infection, tumor, and congenital disorders and deformities. These conditions shatter health and diminish quality of life for vast numbers of people. They also significantly burden society. In the US, annual direct and indirect costs for bone and joint health are approaching $900 billion, about 8% of the gross domestic product; osteoarthritis alone accounts for over $185 billion in expenses each year.
While the need for orthopaedic care is expanding, so, too, is surgeons’ capacity to treat and cure many musculoskeletal conditions. In the 21st century, we are seeing the advent of a host of new medical and surgical methods—such as longer-lasting joint replacements—that bring new hope to orthopaedic patients. Johns Hopkins physician-scientists are leading many of these advances, through ground-breaking research and innovations in patient care.
Laini's Story | Myxiod Liposarcoma
As Laini recovered from the treatment of a low-grade sarcoma in her thigh, she wanted to do something to spread awareness and help others. Now, she is sharing her story and spreading hope for all those who face a cancer diagnosis.
Types of Gifts
There are four ways to support the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery through charitable giving. Contributions can be made in support of the department or to benefit the work of a specific surgeon or a division.
Gifts of all sizes help the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery continue our ongoing efforts as a leader in innovative and compassionate treatment, groundbreaking research, and excellent surgical medical education. Gifts made with a check or credit card provide immediate support to the department.
Contributions to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery can be unrestricted and used where the need is greatest. Gifts also can be designated to support a specific doctor, researcher or division. Additionally, you can make a gift in memory of a loved one or to honor someone special in your life.
Gifts can be made outright or pledged over a period of up to five years.
Many employers offer a matching gift program to their employees. For every dollar you donate to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, your employer will match it either dollar for dollar, two dollars to one dollar or, in more generous cases, three dollars to one dollar. All you need is a matching gift form from your employer’s public affairs department. Complete the section designated for employees and mail the form to us. We will take care of all the other details and paperwork.
There are many opportunities to commemorate family members, friends or colleagues on a birthday, anniversary or another special occasion. Gifts can be made to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in honor of a special physician, for example, who has played a significant role in your health. These gifts are greatly appreciated by the people being honored and their families.
A gift made to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in memory of a person who has passed away is a special way to honor a beloved friend or family member. Such a gift creates a legacy and memorializes the person by providing direct support to the department.
Gift planning allows our donors to thoughtfully choose ways of giving that meet their needs—and the needs of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. A development director from the Department and the Johns Hopkins Institutions, Office of Gift Planning can provide you with information on effective charitable planning options so that you can achieve optimum tax, financial, and philanthropic results.
Contact Our Development Team
Donna S. Clare, CFRE
Director of Development
Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
601 N. Caroline St., Suite 5251
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410-955-6936