Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center at Suburban Hospital

Locations Suburban Hospital

Suburban Hospital exterior, front entrance.

Suburban Hospital
8600 Old Georgetown Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814
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Suburban Hospital's cancer care program is dedicated to preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer for residents in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. In partnership with community physicians, staff, other health care providers and research affiliates, the program provides a comprehensive range of high quality, compassionate and cost-effective services, including health education, screening, clinical research, diagnosis, treatment, psychosocial support and palliative care. The cancer program, part of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, is committed to the early detection of cancers. At the two free skin cancer screenings held in 2019, 75 community members were examined by board-certified dermatologists. Four basal cell carcinomas and two squamous cell carcinomas were detected. In addition, 14 community members were screened for oral, head and neck cancers by board-certified otolaryngologists; two with abnormal findings were referred for further evaluation.

Our Services

Patient and Family Services

The cancer program at Suburban Hospital offers a variety of programs and resources to support you during your visits.

Learn more about our patient and family services.

Oncology Trials

The Oncology Research Program, in partnership with local oncologists, offers patients access to leading-edge clinical trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute’s Cooperative Group Program or by pharmaceutical companies. These clinical trials study investigational drugs, new combinations of standard treatments for cancer or cancer prevention in high-risk patients. Ask your physician if you are eligible to participate in one of our many clinical trials.

Learn more about clinical trials at Johns Hopkins