Rising Hope Perinatal Hospice Program

Our Services
Loss of a Baby Support
Rising Hope is a free program designed to support families who have suffered a pregnancy loss via miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, infant death or genetic termination. One in four women experience a pregnancy loss and about 24,000 babies in the U.S are born still at or after the 20th week of pregnancy each year.
Perinatal Hospice
Rising Hope also supports families whose babies have been given a life-limiting diagnosis during pregnancy and who elect to continue the pregnancy, by offering bi-weekly consultations, coordination of care, compassionate listening, referrals, and on-going support that focuses on quality of life and finding comfort and meaning in the time you have with your baby, while honoring your personal beliefs and values.
How We Can Help
While in the hospital, all loss and hospice families will be provided a private place to grieve, options for their baby's disposition after birth, memory building opportunities, and resources within and outside the hospital.
But the journey doesn't end there. Rising Hope will continue to offer ongoing support after discharge from the hospital through personal follow-ups with the bereavement coordinator, an invitation to Rising Hope’s monthly support group as well as annual events to honor and commemorate their baby's short life.
The monthly support group is being held virtually and is moderated by perinatal bereavement coordinator, Amanda Meneses, RN, BSN.
Contact Us
For more information about Rising Hope, contact Amanda Meneses at [email protected] or 410-884-4709.