Gestational Carrier (Surrogacy) Program

Many couples are not able to have their own children, regardless of having normal sperm or ovarian function, due to the absence of the uterus or malformations of the female reproductive tract. In some instances, a pregnancy may be too dangerous due to other health issues that jeopardize the life of the mother, or because the medical treatment will expose the fetus to serious birth defects.

Therefore, it is feasible to transfer the embryo into another woman who will carry the baby to term. The uterus of the gestational carrier will be synchronized with the ovulation induction of the biological mother in order to create the best possible environment for the embryo.

Due to the complexity of the issue, each case will be presented before the IVF Advisory Board for approval. A complete psychological evaluation and numerous blood screening tests are required, as well as a signed legal agreement among all involved parties.