Kate Thomas, PhD

Kate Thomas, PhD
Director of Mental Health, Center for Transgender and Gender Expansive Health
Director of Clinical Services, The Sex and Gender Clinic
Instructor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Expertise: Clinical Sexology, Gender Affirming Care, Alternative Sexualities, Gender Spectrum Concerns, Relationship Concerns, Paraphilic Behaviors, Issues in individual and couple sexual functioning
Research Interests: Paraphilic Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Incongruences
Licensed Nurse Psychotherapist
Certified Sex Therapist, The American Board of Sexology
Certified Adult Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist
Background: Dr. Thomas holds master’s degrees in psychiatric nursing and maternal child nursing from the University of Maryland and a doctoral degree in Human Sexuality from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. She is the Director of Clinical Services at the Sex and Gender Clinic in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is an instructor of human sexuality for psychiatry residents and medical students at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She also holds faculty positions teaching courses in human sexuality at Stevenson University, Loyola University and the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.