Resources for Johns Hopkins Neurology Faculty

For Applicants

Applicants, we are here to help you obtain grant funding! Please visit our SharePoint website to get started with IGRP.

  • If you don’t already have access, you will see a prompt to request it. An admin will verify your access, and you will receive an email with further instructions.
  • If you are already registered for the site, then entering your JHED ID/Password should automatically lead you to the site's homepage. If you have problems entering the site, please use [email protected] your login address instead of

Access SharePoint

For Reviewers

Reviewers, thank you for being the bedrock to this program! Your time and expertise to review the applicant’s proposals is invaluable for their funding opportunities to build their scientific research careers.

For internal review, we use the NIH-style evaluation when reviewing applicants’ proposals. Learn more about NIH scoring guidance.

 Degree of Impact Impact Score  Descriptor  Additional Guidance on Strengths/Weaknesses 
 1  Exceptional Exceptionally strong with essentially no weaknesses 
 2 Outstanding  Extremely strong with negligible weaknesses 
 3  Excellent Very strong with only some minor weaknesses 
 4  Very Good Strong but with numerous minor weaknesses 
 5  Good Strong but with at least one moderate weakness 
6 Satisfactory  Some strengths but also some moderate weaknesses 
 7  Fair Some strengths but with at least one major weakness
 8  Marginal A few strengths and a few major weaknesses
 9  Poor Very few strengths and numerous major weaknesses


Minor: easily addressable weakness that does not substantially lessen the impact of the project.

Moderate: weakness that lessens the impact of the project.

Major: weakness that severely limits the impact of the project.