Blaustein Pain Grand Rounds

The conferences are held on Fridays at noon EST. Due to COVID-19, all conferences are virtual via Zoom:

  • Meeting ID: 956 9380 9228
  • Passcode: 104095

View past presentations by year.

Date Lecturer Presentation
9/6/2024 No Conference
9/13/2024 Melanie Racine, Ph.D.
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
“Chronic pain and suicide risk: How to prevent and intervene”
9/20/2024 Zoltan Kender, Ph.D.
University of Heidelberg, Germany
“Sensory phenotypes reflect the natural course of diabetic polyneuropathy independent of pain mechanisms”
9/27/2024 Barbara I. Namer, M.D.
University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
“Itch versus pain signaling in humans"
10/4/2024 Theodore Price, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Dallas
"Mechanisms of neuropathic pain: Insights from human dorsal root ganglion studies”
10/11/2024 Hongzhen Hu, Ph.D.
Washington University
“Chemical and Mechanosensory Neuroimmunology at Barrier Surfaces”
10/18/2024 Mollie Meffert, M.D., Ph.D.
“Direct and Cell-type Selective Assessment of miRNA Targets in the Nervous System”
10/25/2024 Ahmet Hoke, M.D., Ph.D.
11/1/2024 Zachary T. Campbell, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin–Madison
“Translational control of mRNA in pain"
11/8/2024 Aakanksha Jain, Ph.D.
Boston’s Children Hospital
“The Neuroimmune Interactome of Inflammatory Pain”
11/15/2024 Angelika Lampert, M.D.
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
“Sensory neuron classification by Patch Seq.”
11/22/2024 TBD              TBD
11/29/2024 No Conference
12/6/2024 Gregory Scherrer, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina
"Neural circuits and therapeutics for pain unpleasantness and its cognitive modulation"
12/13/2024 TBD TBD
12/20/2024 No Conference
12/27/2024 No Conference

Past Presentations