ARVD/C Clinical Services
The Johns Hopkins ARVD/C Program provides a variety of clinical services for both adult and pediatric patients. We see patients for second opinion consultations to discuss diagnosis and management, genetic counseling and testing, as well as routine ICD management and family member screening. We can also arrange concurrent cardiac testing. Our program consists of two clinics:

TeleGenetics Program
The Johns Hopkins ARVD/C TeleGenetics Program provides virtual genetic counseling services. After review of pertinent medical records, our genetic counselor will determine the most appropriate genetic test and discuss the risks, benefits, and limitations of the specific testing recommended.
The cost of a Johns Hopkins ARVD/C telegenetics consultation is $500.00. Payment is due at the time of the request and consultations will not be scheduled without payment. Major credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover) are the accepted means of payment. A receipt for services will be mailed to you. Currently, this service is unable to be billed directly to your insurance. You may submit it to your insurance for consideration of reimbursement after your consultation if you wish.
There is a separate fee for the actual genetic test that will be billed to your insurance and cost will be determined based on the specific test ordered, as well as your insurance benefits.
Please print and complete the following forms:
- Consultation Request Form
- Patient Intake Form
- Patient Disclaimer Form
- Medical Records Release
- Payment Authorization Form
- Genetic Counseling Consent Form
Submit completed forms by email or by mail/courier to:
- Johns Hopkins Hospital - ARVD/C Program
600 North Wolfe Street
Blalock 545
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
ATTN: TeleGenetics
We recommend that all correspondence be sent via a courier (FedEx, UPS, registered US postal mail, etc.) that tracks the delivery of packages and requires a signature when the package arrives at Johns Hopkins. Johns Hopkins does not assume liability for medical records lost by any courier nor does Johns Hopkins endorse a specific courier. The patient assumes all liability related to the decision to use a particular courier or mail service.
Please note that you can not cancel your request once your credit card has been charged and work has begun on reviewing your information.
Within approximately 10 business days of receipt of the above required forms, a member of our team will contact you to schedule a teleconsultation.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our staff at 410-502-7161 or by email.