Academy Committees
Academy Sponsored Symposia
Symposia given by Academy members presented to Academy members (and their spouses and colleagues) on cross-disciplinary topics that would be scheduled as an offering a few times a year, and might have multiple speakers on a given subject of interest. In addition, the committee could identify other JHM planned seminars or presentations during which Academy members could contribute on the topic. The focus being on Academy members who could give presentations makes it distinctly different in nature from the Speakers/Talks committee, description below.
Academy Sponsored Symposia Committee Members
- John Anderson
- James Campbell
- Amy Deutschendorf (Co-Chair)
- William Greenough
- Sheppard Kellam
- Dave Kern
- Richard North
- Pete Pedersen
- Peter Rabins
- Terence Risby
- Ellen Silbergeld
- Barbara Sollner-Webb
- Kerry Stewart (Co-Chair)
- Carol Ziminski
Community Volunteering
Committee members identify local, regional, national and international volunteer organizations that may be of interest to Academy members, either individually or as a group. A directory of opportunities for the Academy website is based upon Academy members’ experiences with or reputations of the organization. Representatives from such organizations may be invited to share information with committee members and/or to present at monthly advisory meetings, either when the organization is being considered for recommendation to the Academy or after a relationship has been established.
Community Volunteering Committee Members
- Ernest Arnett
- Arlene Butz
- Ginny Corson (Co-Chair)
- Jane Crosson
- Amy Deutschendorf
- Meg Robins Garrett
- Martha Hill
- Geetha Jayaram
- Srinivasa Raja
- Terence Risby
- Dotty Rosenthal (Co-Chair)
- Janet Serwint
- Ellen Silbergeld
- Maxine Stitzer
- Peter Terry
- Patti Vining
Mission: To foster mentoring, advising and coaching of junior faculty by academy members.
- We define mentoring by Academy members as a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between a more advanced faulty member (mentor) and a more junior faculty member or trainee (mentee) that emphasizes the development of the mentee, but often benefits the mentor as well. The focus may be on career development, educational or research projects, grant or manuscript preparation, skill development (educational, research, leadership), work-life integration, other areas, or more than one area. Mentoring usually involves regular ongoing meetings or communication between mentor and mentee, with discussion, goal clarification, sharing of knowledge/expertise, and provision of advice. It can involve coaching, but is more than coaching. Mentoring can also include serving as a sponsor (nominating mentee for positions and opportunities) or facilitating connections (assisting in networking and making introductions).
- Advising refers to a less intense relationship (than mentoring) between a more advanced faculty member (advisor) and a more junior faculty member or trainee (advisee). It focuses on giving advice to help an advisee achieve a goal and guide them along one or more career/life paths. Advising can involve a short term (even just one meeting) or longer-term relationship. There can be overlap between advising and mentoring, and the specifics of the relationship, as an advisor or mentor, is defined during initial and/or subsequent meetings.
- We define coaching as a focused relationship with the goal of improving a desired skill (e.g. clinical, leadership, speaking, teaching) or performance of the person being coached (coachee). This often involves goal clarification and reflection on the part of the coachee, observation and provision of feedback by the coach and bi-directional discussion by both. Coaching may involve a one-time observation, or a longitudinal observational relationship.
The Process: In collaboration with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) and the Office of Faculty: Faculty Development (OFD), the Academy’s Mentoring /Coaching Committee will create:
- A Directory of Academy Mentors, Advisors and Coaches that will be housed on both the Academy and the IEE websites, and indicate areas of interest and expertise for each mentor / advisor / coach. The Directory will serve the Schools of Education, Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health;
- Mechanisms for connecting mentees / advisees / coachees with mentors, advisors and coaches;
- Faculty development sessions that will review best practices of mentoring, advising, coaching and providing feedback; and
- Methods of evaluating and ensuring quality in our mentoring / advising / coaching programs.
Mentoring/Advising/Coaching Committee Members
- Cathy Deangelis
- Barbara Fivush
- Margaret (Meg) Garrett
- Geetha Jayaram
- Martha Hill
- David Kern (Co-Chair)
- Tom Kickler
- Ed Kraus
- Peter Rabins
- Nancy Roderer
- Janet Serwint (Co-Chair)
- Eileen (Patti) Vining

Social and Culture Committee
Plans social activities to include “field trips,” happy hours with focused discussion, sessions for both external speakers and Academy members to present on a subject of interest not related to scientific/academic endeavors (for example, iPhone photography tricks), holiday parties, and a book club with invited author. Potentially develop a travel club and travel section on our website to feature trips taken by Academy members. Welcomes ideas from all Academy members on new social activities to develop. Encourages Academy members get to know each other better and discover common outside interests. Spouses are welcome to attend social activities.
Social and Culture Committee Members
- John Anderson
- Marion Ball
- Meg Robins Garrett
- Geetha Jayaram
- Mona Mohamed
- Srinivasa Raja
- Beryl Rosenstein
- Ellen Silbergeld
- Barbara Sollner-Webb (Co-Chair)
- Kerry Stewart
- Maxine Stitzer
- Patti Vining
- Julie Watson
- Carol Ziminski
Identify internal Hopkins staff, faculty, executives and leaders to present at an Academy luncheon. Identify external speakers who are scheduled to be on campus as Grand Round speakers or for Invited Name lectures to be advertised on our website, and potentially invite them for an Academy luncheon.
Speakers/Talks Committee Members
- Morton Goldberg
- Geetha Jayaram
- Terence Risby
- Beryl Rosenstein (Co-Chair)
- Larry Schramm
- Ellen Silbergeld
- Barbara Sollner-Webb
- Patti Vining (Co-Chair)
- Carol Ziminski
Mission: To complement teaching/precepting activities currently ongoing in departments, with input from department directors/stakeholders as to how best to utilize services/expertise of Academy members.
- To coordinate with existing programs that target interdisciplinary teaching, such as the APECS (Assessment of Physical Exam and Communication Skills) program for Interns/Residents in Internal Medicine, and the Interprofessional Education (SOM, SON, Pharmacy) and Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
- Transition to Wards (TTW) for Y2 medical students
- Clinical Foundations of Medicine (“Clinical Skills”) for Y1 medical students
- To create interdisciplinary workshops/sessions for students/trainees
- Community/Public Health Education
The Process: In collaboration with the Mentoring/Coaching Committee of the Academy, the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Institute for Excellence in Education (IEE) and the Office of Faculty Development (OFD), the Academy’s Teaching/Precepting Committee will create:
- A Directory of Academy Teachers and Preceptors that will be housed on both the Academy and the IEE websites, and indicate areas of interest and expertise for each teacher/preceptor, as well as current teaching/precepting activities, target population and nature of contacts;
- Mechanisms for connecting trainees with teachers and preceptors;
- Faculty development sessions that will review best practices of teaching, precepting and providing feedback.
Teaching/Percepting Committee Members
- Edward Bartlett (Co-Chair)
- Jane Crosson
- Cathy DeAngelis
- Amy Deutschendorf
- Rick North (Co-Chair)
- Terence Risby
- Philip Slavney
- Carol Ziminski