Information for Residents and Clinical Fellows

Graduate medical education (GME) programs sponsored by the School of Medicine are overseen by the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC).
Please feel free to contact our office at 410-955-3191 if you need assistance.
Resources for Residents and Clinical Fellows
Postdoctoral Fellows' Self-Service
At the Postdoctoral Fellows' Self-Service Site for the SOM Registrar's Office, you can:
- Update/review demographic data
- See a summary listing of your current benefits, if applicable
- Register for appointments that do not require counter activity and see all appointments for which you’ve previously registered
Contracts and Policies Resident/Fellows
Contract Attachments
- Equal Opportunity Policy (JHU)
- Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures (JHU)
- Teacher Learner Policy (SOM)
- Code of Conduct (JHH)
- Remediation, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal of Residents/Clinical Fellows (GMEC)
- Grievance Procedure for Faculty, Fellows and the Student Body (SOM)
- Policy on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Drug-Free Environment (JHU)
- Physician Impairment (GMEC)
- Disability Services Guidelines (JHU)
- Duty Hours Policy and Procedure (GMEC)
- Moonlighting of Residents and Fellows in ACGME and ABMS Accredited Programs (GMEC)
- Professional Fee Billing (GMEC) - Residents
- Professional Fee Billing (GMEC) - Fellows
- Health Care and Sick Leave Policy for Postdoctoral Trainees (SOM)
- New Child Accommodations for Full-time Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Trainees (JHU)
- Non-Medical Leave of Absence for Research and Clinical Fellows
- Professional Liability Insurance (GMEC)
- Criminal Background Investigation Policy (SOM)
- Maryland Licensure and Registration (GMEC)
- Records Retention Policy (GMEC)
- Policy on Mandatory Immunizations/Vaccination (GMEC)
Additional Policies and Resources
- Johns Hopkins Compliance Line
- Disability Policy for Faculty, Staff (Including Postdoctoral Trainees) or Members of the Public
- Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
- East Baltimore Blue Jay Shuttle Service
- Equal Opportunity and Title IX Notice for Students, Faculty, Staff and Applicants
- Equity Compliance Complaint Form
- Faculty and Staff Accommodation Form
- Guidelines for Patient Handoffs (GMEC)
- Closure/Reduction of Training Programs (GMEC)
- External Funding of Residents and Clinical Fellows
- Extracurricular Activities of Postdoctoral Trainees (GMEC)
- Non-clinical Extracurricular (Moonlighting) Activity Request Form
- FICA Refund Project
- Office of International Services
- GMEC Oversight of Training Programs Policy (GMEC)
- Lactation Policy (JHU)
- Policy on Evaluation, Promotion and Non-Renewal of
- Residents/Clinical Fellows (GMEC)
- Policy on Interaction with Industry
- Policy on Recruitment, Eligibility, and Appointment of Residents and Clinical Fellows to ACGME- and ABMS-Accredited Programs (GMEC)
- Service and Assistance Animal Policy
- Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures
- Statement on Principles on Academic Freedom
- Supervision of Postdoctoral Trainees (GMEC)
- Visa Sponsorship for Clinical Training
- Personal Relationships Policy
- Independent Practice Policy for Fellows
- JHU SOM Learner Mistreatment, Harassment, and Discrimination – Responsibilities and Expectations of Learners
- Additional Shifts Approval Form
- Telemedicine and Tele-Supervision Policy
- University Statement on Supporting Preferred Names