We provide a range of diagnostic services including:
- Amniocentesis: A procedure to obtain genetic information about a developing fetus by collecting a sample of amniotic fluid.
- Combined First-Trimester Nuchal Translucency Screening: A noninvasive fetal screening test for Down syndrome and Trisomy’s 13 and 18.
- Doppler ultrasound: An imaging procedure that measures blood flow in different parts of your fetus’ body.
- 3-D and 4-D digital ultrasound: Imaging procedures that scan for abnormalities and provide information on fetal anatomy and growth.
We see expectant mothers for a variety of reasons. You may be referred to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist if you have:
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Lupus
- Heart conditions
- Risk for premature birth
- Thyroid disorders
- Uterine anomalies
Fetal conditions that may necessitate an evaluation from a maternal-fetal medicine specialist can include:
- Congenital defects
- Congenital heart disease
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Gastroschisis
- Genetic syndromes
- Multiple gestation
- Spina bifida