Fellowship in Laryngology
Director: Lee M. Akst, M.D.
Associate Professor, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Director, Division of Laryngology
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Levi Watkins, Jr, MD, Outpatient Center
601 North Caroline Street, 6th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: (410) 955-1654
Fax: (410) 367-2300
E-mail: [email protected]
Accreditation Status: The Laryngology Fellowship in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is approved by the Graduate Medical Education Committee of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Licensing Requirement: Maryland state medical license
Appointment Level:
Instructor – University academic appointment
Full-time medical staff – Hospital appointment
Operating Privileges: Hospital full-time staff privileges
Overview: The Johns Hopkins Laryngology Fellowship is a one-year program designed to provide a comprehensive training experience to prepare participants for a career in academic laryngology. The Johns Hopkins Voice Center encompasses several laryngologists at various clinical locations. Clinical activities cover the breadth of laryngology with attention to voice, swallowing, and airway disorders. The program focuses on operative techniques and office-based procedures in laryngology, with experience in office injection laryngoplasty, transnasal esophagoscopy, botulinum toxin injection, and office-based pulsed laser photoangiolysis. As they gain experience and develop confidence in management of laryngeal disease, fellows will assume graduated responsibility for an independent clinic and surgical caseload. It is expected that fellows will participate in resident teaching and attend laryngology case conferences, make educational presentations within the department, and participate in clinical research within the division.
Research: The Johns Hopkins Voice Center maintains an active spirit of investigation in both clinical and basic-science research and boasts three clinician-investigators on its faculty. Fellows will have an opportunity to take part in a robust clinical and basic science research experience in cooperation with the Division of Laryngology faculty. It is hoped that laryngology fellows will participate actively in this research, with goals of presenting their work at national meetings and publishing their findings.
Teaching Responsibilities: The fellow is an instructor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and is expected to participate in regular teaching conferences as well as supervising residents during laryngology cases. The fellow will be assigned occasional lectures to give at resident teaching conferences, participate in regularly scheduled review of stroboscopy cases with the division, and participate in monthly laryngology grand rounds.
Eligibility: Applicants must be American Board of Otolaryngology board-eligible or board-certified and satisfy the requirements for Maryland medical licensure.
Salary and Benefits: Fellows are paid at University PGY-6 level. Fellows receive full University health coverage, dental, life, and disability. Two weeks of vacation are allotted per year.
Application Process: The match process is run through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). Applications are made to the program directly and should begin with a statement of interest to the program director. A cover letter, CV, and two letters of recommendation will complete the application. Please feel free to contact the fellowship program director with questions.
Call Responsibilities: The fellow covers approximately four week-long periods of attending level home call.
Additional Information: If applicants desire additional information, please contact the fellowship director. Previous fellows of the Johns Hopkins fellowship program are available to discuss their experience.
Laryngeal Fellow