Director's Column

Published in Restore - Spring 2018

There are many extraordinary developments taking place across the Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network that I want to share.

The Sheikh Khalifa Stroke Institute launched in February 2018 with locations in Baltimore, Maryland, and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The institute will comprise two centers: one devoted to stroke detection and diagnosis directed by neurologist Argye Hillis and the other devoted to treatment, recovery and rehabilitation, which I will direct.

In addition, we recently opened a new noninvasive brain stimulation program, one of the few programs of its kind in the country. Recognized experts in the field of neurologic rehabilitation provide a variety of brain stimulation techniques paired with evidence-based rehabilitation for neurological conditions such as motor, language, cognitive and movement disorders.

We are also recruiting patients with a spinal cord injury to participate in a brain-computer interface study. This research project will use electrodes to read brain signals and aims to allow participants to control a highly advanced prosthetic robotic arm, video game-like programs, quadcopters, wheelchairs or other devices solely with their thoughts.

This story on rehabilitation after limb loss depicts another novel program that helps patients who have had, or will have, an amputation. The goal is to restore patients to the same level of function they had before the amputation. Marlis Gonzalez-Fernandez matches patients with advanced prostheses to fit their particular lifestyle. She focuses not on the amputation, but on maximizing the use of the prostheses.

I am thrilled with all the innovations across our department. As always, if we can help with any physical medicine and rehabilitation needs, please let us know: 443-997-5476.