Ataxia Specialists

Director of the Ataxia Center

Liana Rosenthal, MD PhD

  • Director, Ataxia Center
  • Associate Professor of Neurology


Therapists and Genetic Counselor

Jennifer Millar, M.S., P.T.

Physical Therapist
headshot of Jennifer Millar

Weiyi Mu, S.C.M.

Genetics Counselor
Weiyi Mu headshot

Leyna Schroeder, M.S., CCC-SLP

Speech Language Pathologist

Daniel Tekeste, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist
headshot of Daniel Tekeste

Center Staff

Melissa Egerton, M.S.

Ataxia Health Educator
grey silhouette

Our Center

Hear from our ataxia specialists about our clinic and what patients can expect. The center pairs patients with a multidisciplinary team of neurologists, occupational therapists, genetic counselors and speech-language pathologists to ensure each aspect of ataxia care is addressed.