Our center brings together multiple specialties, precision treatments designed specifically for the unique characteristics of each patient’s cancer, and the innovative research that revolutionized progress against colorectal cancer.
Our Team
Specialists from multiple disciplines who provide comprehensive approaches to the treatment of colon cancer
Research Areas
Leading treatment for colon and rectal cancer and promising new therapies for metastatic cancers
Rectal Cancer Clinic
One-day, comprehensive evaluation by top rectal cancer medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and surgeons
Vanessa's Colon Cancer Journey
When Vanessa was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, she was told there was nothing that could be done. However, an immunotherapy clinical trial offered by the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins gave her hope and a new lease on life. This is her story.
Why Choose Johns Hopkins For Colon Cancer Treatment
The Multidisciplinary Difference
The interaction among all research and clinical specialties that led to breakthrough discoveries is the hallmark of the Johns Hopkins Colorectal Cancer Research Center’s Multidisciplinary approach.

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Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
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Baltimore, MD 21297-9143