Pediatric Hematology

The Division of Pediatric Hematology at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center cares for patients with diseases of the blood or blood-forming organs using the latest technologies and scientific discoveries, bolstered by a history of clinical excellence at Johns Hopkins.
Our Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center specializes in the treatment of central nervous system complications of sickle cell disease for children with sickle cell disease and other related hemoglobinopathies. Continuing our rich tradition of research at Johns Hopkins, we also created the Basic and Translational Research Program in sickle cell disease to continue improving the lives of our patients and families by performing innovative basic research and clinical trials.
Our Team
Meet our team of clinicians and staff specialized in caring for your child.
Johns Hopkins Hemophilia Treatment Center
The only center of its kind in Maryland provides essential care for both children and adults with all bleeding disorders.
Our Research
- Role of HMG-I/Y in Leukemia and Lymphoma
American Cancer Society, funding - Pediatric Hydroxyurea Phase III Clinical Trial
National Institutes of Health, funding - Prevention of the Complications of Hemophilia through Hemophilia Treatment
University of Pennsylvania, funding
- Mechanisms Controlling Cellular Hemoglobin Content
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, funding - Enhancement of Tumor Cell Killing by Glucocorticoids
American Cancer Society, funding
Contact Us
New Patients: Request an Appointment
- Phone: 443-997-KIDS (5437)
- Outside the United States: +1-410-502-7683
Returning Patients and Rescheduling
- Phone: 410-955-6132
- Fax: 410-367-2748
Schedule an Appointment with MyChart
Existing patients can sign up for or log in to MyChart.
- Phone: 410-955-6132
On-call physician for emergencies after 5 p.m.
- Paging operator: 410-955-6070
Emergency consultative services (physician-to-physician)
- available 24 hours a day by calling the Hopkins Access Line (HAL) at 1-800-765-5447 or 410-955-9444 in Baltimore.
Locations and Directions
Johns Hopkins Children's Center
200 N. Wolfe St
The David M. Rubenstein Child Health Building
Baltimore, MD 21287
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