Percutaneous Gastrostomy

Your health care provider has decided that your child should have percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG). This procedure will be scheduled through your gastroenterology provider.

PEG is an endoscopic procedure that creates a hole through the skin directly into the stomach in order to allow the placement of a stomach feeding tube. A PEG tube is a small tube made of soft plastic material that is placed into the stomach for giving feedings or medication. It is about a quarter of an inch wide and 8 inches long. The tube can be hidden under your child’s clothing.

The tube is placed by a pediatric gastroenterologist under general anesthesia, with the help of an endoscope, which is small flexible tube with a camera on the end that is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. A very small incision is necessary to create a PEG. Your child will not have any stitches.

Your child will stay in the hospital for two to three days after surgery. The amount of formula given through the tube is gradually increased as tolerated to the amount that will be prescribed at home. They will be given pain medication as needed.
There is no restriction on visiting for parents during the daytime; one parent may sleep at the bedside at night. Children under 12 may not visit.

A GI nurse will arrange home care feeding supplies for your child and also come to your child‘s bedside to teach you how to care for the PEG tube. A follow-up appointment will be made with your GI physician or nurse practitioner for two to three weeks after the procedure.


Day of procedure preparation for PEG is the same as for an upper endoscopy.

If you have any questions, please contact us.