Concerned about memory loss? You're not alone. But you can lower your dementia risk by using these four proven steps for smart aging from Johns Hopkins experts.


Lower Your Dementia Risk: 4 Proven Steps for Smart Aging

It's common to experience memory slips and the occasional brain fog as you get older, but dementia isn't a normal part of the aging process.

In Lower Your Dementia Risk: 4 Proven Steps for Smart Aging, there are some simple and powerful actions you can take to keep your brain strong. This straightforward, easy-to-read reference will provide you with valuable insight to help stay mentally sharp.

With Lower Your Dementia Risk, you'll learn:

  • Which foods can lower your risk of heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer's disease;
  • how to increase blood flow to the brain and improve the brain's use of oxygen and glucose;
  • the importance of staying intellectually and socially active; and more.

The specialists at Johns Hopkins understand your interest in brain health and are ready to lend a hand.

Reach for it—simply fill out the form below to download Lower Your Dementia Risk: 4 Proven Steps for Smart Aging.