With COVID-19 vaccines slowly becoming accessible to more Americans and incidence of COVID-19 declining in some areas, schools are making plans to reopen, and there’s hope that children and teens will return to a more normal routine, with increased in-person activities, sports, learning and fun that they have missed.

The coronavirus pandemic has been a long ordeal, and children and teens in your family still need your support. Test your knowledge and see what you know about your child’s mental health during COVID-19.

Which of these is a sign of mental stress in your child or teen?

The correct answer is E. All of the above.

These behaviors can be signs of depression, which might warrant a call to your family doctor or health care practitioner. Parents and trusted adults can support children and teens by encouraging them to discuss their feelings, and by monitoring irritability and frustration levels so that they won’t interfere with daily functioning. Kids can benefit from talking about the loneliness and disappointment they might feel due to COVID-19 cancellations, fear of losing loved ones, and other concerns. Learn more about helping teens cope when they are staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If your child has signs of anxiety or depression, what should you do?

The correct answer is C. Reach out to your family doctor or health center.

Anxiety and depression can worsen, endangering your child’s well-being. Some health care practitioners can “see” your child online and provide counseling and support through telehealth appointments. Learn more about what to do if your child or teen is showing signs of anxiety or depression while they are at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pediatric emergency visits for mental health crises in 2020 have increased how much over 2019?

The correct answer is D. 24% for young children and 31% for adolescents.

According to the CDC, beginning in April 2020, the proportion of children’s mental health-related ED visits among all pediatric ED visits increased and remained elevated through October. Compared with 2019, the proportion of mental health-related visits for children ages 5 to 11 increased by 24%, and for children ages 12 to 17, it increased by 31%.

True or false: For children learning at home, taking occasional breaks outdoors can help them stay focused.

The correct answer is A. True.

Getting up from the chair, going outside and moving around in fresh air can clear your child’s mind and make it easier for them to accomplish the tasks of their day. Learn more about how to support your kids’ at-home learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

True or false: For children stuck at home because of COVID-19 cancellations or closures, the best thing to do is not to talk about the pandemic.

The correct answer is B. False.

Children are often more observant than we realize, and the enormous changes in their daily routines can cause stress, anxiety and sadness. Parents and guardians can help them cope by talking openly about what is happening and providing information on a level that’s right for the child’s age and development. Here’s more on what you can do to keep your children focused, safe and happier while they’re learning at home.

For birthdays and holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and guardians should:

The correct answer is D. Plan some fun activities to make the day memorable while maintaining safety precautions, and let kids help with ideas and preparation.

Do not risk your child’s or family’s health by letting up on coronavirus safeguards such as physical distancing and mask-wearing. At the same time, it may not be useful to force online or virtual alternatives for your holiday rituals if they don’t capture the spirit of celebration. With a little planning and creativity, your family can lift the spirits of your child or teen with funny movies and games, costumes, festive meals, favorite treats or connecting with friends safely by phone or computer. Here are more tips on celebrating holidays while you keep your family safe.

While teens are waiting for school to resume, you can support their mental health by:

The correct answer is E. All of the above.

These are all effective strategies for parents and guardians to help teens persevere through the pandemic until things get back to a more normal routine. Read more about helping teens cope when they are staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.