EBP Resources and Textbooks

Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (4th edition) has proven to be one of the most foundational books on EBP in nursing and healthcare. Building on the strength of previous versions, the fourth edition is fully revised to include updated content based on more than a decade of the model's use, refinement in real-life settings, and feedback from nurses and other healthcare professionals around the world.

Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Instructor's Guide
The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Instructor's Guide is intended for use by both university nurse educators and nurses facilitating professional development in health care organizations and provides details about incorporating EBP content throughout baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral curricula. The JHEBP Instructor's guide offers suggestions for teaching EBP, leveling the content depending on students' knowledge and previous experience with EBP, and includes examples of course objectives, assignments, and grading rubrics. Request your FREE copy today.

Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Curriculum Guide
The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Curriculum Guide is perfect for in-person and online learning. It includes seven lessons and follows the format of the Johns Hopkins EBP textbook. The curriculum is self-paced and can be adapted to fit your students' needs. Included in the curriculum are PPT slides, readings, videos and podcast content, tasks, assignments, and more. Request your FREE copy today