Gut Health Videos

Managing Your Microbiome: How It May Help Your Health, Present by Hopkins at Home

A Woman's Journey: Conversations that Matter December's monthly Hopkins at Home features infectious disease and cancer researcher Dr. Cynthia Sears discussing what the microbiome is, what changes it, and how emerging discoveries have revealed its broad impact on health and disease. Dr. Sears discusses her research on ‘“driver bacteria” and early approaches to using the microbiome as a modifiable tool to improve colon cancer detection and patient responses to cancer immunotherapy.

The Gut

Gut problems can be painful and disruptive to our daily lives. Gastroenterologist Aline Charabaty defines characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome, small intestinal bacterial growth, irritable bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) and Celiac Disease; discusses their clinical presentation and implications; and highlights new research and treatments.

Is It Celiac Disease?

Think you know if the gastroenterologic distress you are feeling is celiac disease? Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder affecting the small intestine. Nutritional gastroenterologist Dr. Gerard Mullin discusses the long-term health effects of celiac disease, its connection to other autoimmune disorders and how it is diagnosed and treated.