About Visits

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What to Expect During PPP Visits

Whether we’re meeting in person or by telemedicine, your interaction with your provider will follow a process we’ve developed over the years that we know leads to success. You can expect lots of questions about you in person and by survey. The PPP Surveys capture information that the providers use to 1) develop a personalized treatment plan and 2) monitor your progress. Through the PPP Surveys and by talking, you and your PPP provider will:

  • Review activities of daily living and goals for improvement
  • Discuss quality of life and priority areas
  • Check current medications and revise as necessary
  • Address specific concerns
  • Answer questions
  • Agree or review your treatment plan, and
  • Monitor progress

Check out this video to learn more about What to Expect During PPP Visits

What to Do In Between Visits

You will see your PPP provider maybe once or twice a month … but your life continues, 24-7. What you feel, think about and do during that time away from your provider is important to your recovery. 

The two most important things you can do in between your PPP visits are:

  1. Record and follow your treatment plan, using the MyTreatment Plan tool
  2. Track your progress, using the MyPain Passport tool

See instructions on using the MyTreatment Plan and MyPain Passport tool.

Watch this video for tips about what to do in between visits and for using the tools.

My Pain Passport

My Pain Passport is your ticket to better communication with your doctors. Each section of the tool allows you to share your progress, concerns and wishes throughout your pain treatment. Your doctors want to hear from you. My Pain Passport makes it easier for you to share important information.

Download My Pain Program